WinkyFace: The Mark of a Moron lyrics
by Frank Turner
Happy day!
The agonizing wait has finally come to a happy end!
The universe has granted us its blessing
Happiness is knowing that you'll never have to waste
Another keystroke
Or pen stroke
On marking your meaning
Apparently the written word has been lacking a certain 'je ne sais quoi'
I just don't know how any writers survived
Life before the semi-colon and the open bracket hooked up as soulmates
Shakespeare and Orwell must be turning in their graves!
Or at least turning their heads sideways
Open bracket, semi-colon?
You're f*cking kidding me!
Open bracket, semi-colon?
Mark of a moron!
Open bracket, semi-colon?
Come on now seriously!
Open bracket, semi-colon?
This is a f*cking con!
Lost for words?
We have that in common
Lost for words?
It leads me to suspect that you've nothing of meaning or value to say
Basically, if you can't make your meaning plain with all the richness
Of the English language and you have to resort to cartoon faces made
With punctuation marks then you're a di*k