All Planet's in alignment
She descended from the highest
I was blinded, the sky split
Captivating flames of fascination ignited
The frost around my heart melting sickles as ice drips
Of a connection escaping science
And chemistry binded
You magnetize me, I was strangely guided
When we locked eyes
It was like "behold this beautiful Seraphim with wings widened."
She was soul leveling
Kept the triple sun horizon
And seven moons reflecting off the surface of her iris
My World's sky blanketed by her eyelids
Every moment is timeless
Sex is butterfly effect seismic
There's nothing like it
I can feel the gypsy moths hovering around the lantern light in my gut when it tightens
I am devoted, I honor you with a field of wilting roses and dead violets
We are trip pilots
I wanna hold hands after devouring Psilocybin
Next to a waterfall under sun rises
I wanna find the light lit
Deep inside, deep in your mind's pit
She moves the ocean like Poseidon
The return of Dionysus
You are my white witch, my Tyrus, fear death
Your majesty, your royal highness
My beautiful blooming flower, I shall keep you safe in the highest diamond clustered tower on the island
Your aura, ultra violet
I'll sponge bathe you in a Jacuzzi of red wine and white oleander floating inside it
Now our passion burning like a Primus
I know I'm arcane, and don't let go
Don't let me plummet back into the precipice in that dark place
Frostbite and heart ache, I know it's hard, wait
Don't depart
The first kiss melted me into onyx shards and the stars rained
This song's for you, I hope you soak it up, blood sweat and tears, and open guts
Fight for fire and don't give up
I swear on everything I hold and love
I adore you, you now have my soul and trust
Sorry I almost broke it up
This song's for you, I hope you soak it up, blood sweat and tears, and open guts
Fight for fire and don't give up
I swear on everything I hold and love
I adore you, you now have my soul and trust
Sorry I almost broke it up
You're my other half right? slightly, you're kinda like me
I'm having psych dreams, one night I fight sleep
I wake up to you wrapped in white sheets
The pores of your skin shooting out light beams
Ahh, you laying beside me, hits me at light speed
Summer of love in a slight breeze
I won't forget when the Dark Prince wedlock the Ice Queen