Yeah ride it out
Satan worship, Satan's servant
Rainbow in the circuit, Ricky six verses
Let's f*ck death away and burn wrists
Rappers turn sh*t
I'm cracked like burnt lips on hookers and turn tricks
I'm out of my turnip
Look at the sherm drip
I turn murk quick
Eat my throat out like Lurch did
Hands dipped in rubber like surgeons
After they die it's first kiss
The bird's limb in a bathtub of bleach, picture perferct
Wait til the percs kicks
Put the clothes back on the bodies inside out on purpose
I'm a pervist, another psycho like Perkins
Meet them in person, leave by myself nervous
Tucking the shirt in
This is deep like family pictures from their purses
The creep from under the furnace
Yeah I'm Koolaid server you Mondo Zombie peace out man
Sneak in your crib with the beads out and the breeze from house fans
Jumped out van
Smoking free base to breathe out cans
I smell like green house gas
I breathe out slag
Monster from the basement and the deep down lab
Black coven groupies beat down ramps
Creep out fans, junkie sh*t, creep out camps
Be out fam
Four door jeep, task force tweeze out strands
Hellfire heat mouth leave towns ash
Jak f*cking Progresso the scene's outcast
I'm really an artist, I feel fine
I want to kill myself, I'm real high, Im really a weird guy
I'm so very an artist, I feel fine
If I hung myself the record deal's mine, I'm real high
Who's this guy, what's his name mean, I thought he was bigger
f*cking figures, I spit and draw you a picture for six figures
I can't believe I still have a liver
I'm the new Keith Richards, robo-tripper
Codeine and scissor, wave to the solo tripper
My pitch works, pipe hitter
Bind, torture and kill her
Are strippers, runaways and drifters
The devil's right hand man by the river
Hands binding sisters
Long Island's sands hiding fingers
Oddly obsessed with your music in the sands buying stickers
Hollow a soul, empty temple
Swallowing ghosts at the Hollow alone
Condo is sold, colleges trolled
Telling the voices I promised I won't follow them home
Compost and mold
Prostitutes wilt into fossils and bones