(You should be coming on pretty soon dude. How much did you smoke? "This will be a little demonstration of that. Listen, listen up." {clonking noises} What was that? "That was my skull, I'm so wasted!) [excerpt from Fast Times At Ridgemont High]
Fiends hard-balling my stuff
Rap dust on liquid like Terrence
Spit air in
Rip like wax envelopes tearing
Lines dope murder 8 oxy bakes
My H take kids from parents
Studio smell like Ketamine dipped cigs and inhalants
Bags stuffed of the white
Can't get sleep
Bags under my eyes
Agents after me
Work horse, oil rag, ax and tree
I got my space pack and leap
I'm like Les Claypool on a raft of cheese
Hospital psych-ward
Wicker basket weave
I kill chicks
Dirty pill bins, them birds is jays
These berserk bars of burning flame
No verse is sane
First explained
I don't serve the H
I'm here looking for work
I'm a murk for pay
A weirdo, I'm not on the curb for cake
Troll curbs for bait
In a Sky Lodge sun coop
Work the brakes
Working late, snatch birds
First to date but can't seem to converse words to flate
I murk 'em
Back yard got a murder rate
Unearthing graves
I'm inside apron on turning caine
Burn a flame
Blow your roof off like hurricanes
Got dope di*k and syrup vein
I'm coming out that K-hole
Swam in a purple lake
This is my turf to take
If we exchanging words to face
You'll die on my atmosphere
You're like a bird in space
I'm not nervous
I'm trying to shake the worms on my shirt away
I got nervous shakes
I'm on anything the nurses gave
Forearms slashed to the nerves in spurts of rage
I snap
Close your studio like Birdman and burn the stage