ain’t my girl (Commentary) lyrics
by Valley
‘ain’t my girl’, what a story. This one, I guess I’ll take you guys back, it’s almost 8 years old. It’s officially, factually, the first song we ever wrote as a band. I remember going over to Mickey’s place and having these like guitar chords and a bit of a melody and we just spent the next few hours just like kind of riffing off of it, and remember he had to go to like Toronto for some reason so we hopped on like the Co-Train which is like the train here and we werе writing the verse on thе train and we were like rushing back home to record it, and we kind of just finished writing the initial skeleton and, you know, we just threw it in the fridge. We were like “Let’s just, you know, it’s another song.” You know, being in a band, we write a lot of songs, you know, some give us that feeling initially and some don’t, and this one felt really good, so yeah, we just put it on the shelf. And you know, fast forward almost 8 years later, we’re at, you know, this cabin where we’re producing and writing some songs up north and we, you know, there’s–we would work until about like probably 7 or 8 and then we’d, you know, have a movie night or we’d have dance party or whatever, and this particular night we like took some weed gummies and we were just like dancing and having the best time. We were cooking, like just an ultimate fun band night, and you know, there’s that point in that night where, you know, any night, you start getting existential and start kind of chatting and, you know. At this time, we were talking about, like, you know, “This is crazy, like, this is our lives, we get to be in a band, like full-time write songs, like the dream is coming true” and then we were like “We should listen to, like, old songs” so we went back in the drop-box vault and, you know, we started going to 2015 and 2014 and we clicked on a folder and this song came on, and for the first few minutes I think we were all just like “Woah, this song is really special. How did we miss this?” and then we all just kind of looked at each other after it finished and we were like “Okay, we need to record this song tomorrow, we need to rewrite some lyrics, I have production ideas, let’s just go.” And the next day we literally finished the whole song. A lot of the demo is still in this version and I remember sending it to our team. We didn’t tell our team how old it was, so we’re just like “Hey, we wrote a new song, like, what do you think?” and they were all just like “We love it, like this is insane” and then we dropped it on them, we were like “And it’s almost 8 years old.” So such a full-circle moment. Literally the first song we ever wrote is now on an EP in 2022. And that’s just to say, any songwriter out there, like, songs have their seasons, and songs go through cycles, so like, you know, you might–there might be an idea or a verse you wrote 6 years ago, and you might use it now and so don’t forget about every idea. Every idea has its place and has its purpose, whether it’s a lesson or literally just it needs its time, and you kind of need to be open to taking it. And that could be right away or it’s kind of a waiting game sometimes, so never give up on a song and never give up on an idea