The Body Descends lyrics
by Julia Brown
The body descends, I should have let it
The strongest love I’ve felt in my life
She said "I was born into this life to suffer
And suffer I will"
But if you had to do it all again
Without knowing you'd make it through
Do you think you'd make it?
"No, I don't think I would"
My heart is the leaves
My body the trees
And it's Halloween
I'm strung out again
My body descends
And I’m having this dream
Every night
A room with a view
A room with some light
A stoic front porch
Some mountains outside
I am what I’m not
My problems are gods
When the body descends
We both sit and watch
And the strongest love
I've felt in my life
Rises up from the dark
To pull me aside
And across the room
And out in the hall
And outside my house
And out in the yard