Mother was a dancer in the Folies Bergère
Where Father took a shine to her legs in the air
And I was thrown to mysticism
From the schism sewn there
Squirming in the light
Burning, erudite
A yearning parasite, au pair
Dearest Papa was a rolling stone
Calling to the cosmos on the lobster telephone
Clocks are melting
Helter skeltering
Children with mouths to feed, breed in squalor
How paternity turns from thee, Avida Dollars
Ready to make a scene, we'd rather parley
Now eternity worms in thee, Father Dali
Surrealist, can I feel this dark creative energy?
Tortured by my demons and my insecurities
Swans reflecting elephants, ants swarming killer bees
Loather, lover, rake
I overcompensate
A supernova fate to be
Dearest Papa was a rolling stone
Galling fellow mutants with his bellowed overtones
Clocks are melting
Helter skeltering
Bending the arts to lead the starch dog collars
How modernity learns from thee, Avida Dollars
Ready to make a scene, we'd rather parley
Now eternity worms in thee, Father Dali
Thus I finally find inside me
Her spirit rising, all-confiding
It's calling out to be
A voice on the wind
Pulling me closer
Screaming in my dreams
Haunting me
Mi Amor…
Feverous with wealth and gain
Showmanship will leave a stain
Canvasses are mine to pain
A monumental mentalist
Mephisto born out of the tryst
I am this bast*rd narcissist
Do not judge my excesses
It's best to merely see
A flamboyant clairvoyant
Bouyant on fantasies
The Great Masturbator
My fate will come later
Clocks are melting
Helter skeltering
Your children have mouths to feed, our leader hollers
How paternity turns from thee, Avida Dollars
Ready to make a scene, we'd rather party
Now eternity worms in thee, Father Dali
Father Dali
Father Dali