So Purkh (English recitation) lyrics
by Nirinjan Kaur
Wahe Guru
Raag Aasaa
From the fourth master
Guru Ram Dass
So Purkh
That primal god
I am one with God
This is my True Guru's gift
The primal one is perfectly pure
The primal god is perfect
He is within all and beyond all
Everyone meditates
All souls meditate on you
O, True Creator
All souls are one with you
All souls come from you
All saints meditate on God
And all pains will fly away
God himself is the master
God himself is the servant
For Nanak, everyone is empty handed
Before him
You are in each beat of my heart
And in all hearts
Oh, Lord, you are the One in everyone
Some are givers and some are takers
This is all your play
You are the giver and you are the receiver
It is all you
You are the God of all
Endless and infinite
I have no words to describe your virtues
O Lord, Nanak is a sacrifice
Unto those who serve
And serve you forever
Meditate on God
Meditate on God
And your soul will be at peace in this world
Meditate on God and live free
Live free and know the noose of death is meaningless
Meditate on the fearless one
The fearless God
And live free from fear
Those who serve
Oh, those who serve my Lord
Are one with Hari
And they look divine
Oh, blessed are they who meditate on Hari
Servant Nanak is a sacrifice to them
Devotion to you
Oh, devotion to you is a treasure trove
That ever overflows
Your lovers
Oh, your lovers praise you, my Beloved
Forever and ever
For you
Just for you, O Lord
So many pujas are performed
And so many endlessly chant and discipline themselves
For you
Just for you, O Lord
So many read the smritis and shastras
They do kriyās and ceremonies
Those lovers
Those lovers are sublime, O servant Nanak
Who please my beloved Lord God
You are the Primal One
The most awesome creator of everything
There are none as great as you
Throughout time and beyond time
You are the One
The constant and true Creator
You do everything and everything happens according to your will You create the whole universe
You destroy it
And You create it again
Servant Nanak sings the praises of his beloved Lord
Forever and ever and ever
He is the Knower within all souls