They say lyrics
by Noname
Verse 1:
They say I'm crazy, they say I'm wild
But I'll keep going, won't be beguiled
I'll chase my dreams, reach for the sky
They can talk all they want, but I'll never comply
They say I'm different, they say I'm strange
But I won't let their words bring me down or change
I'll be myself, stand tall and proud
Their judgment won't silence me, I'll sing it out loud
They say I'm foolish, they say I'm naive
But I'll keep believing, I won't easily leave
I'll trust my instincts, follow my heart
They can doubt all they want, but I'll make my own art
They say I'm lost, they say I'm confused
But I'll keep searching, won't be easily bruised
I'll find my path, discover my way
Their opinions won't steer me, I'll lead my own day
They say I'm lost, they say I'm blind
But I'll find my way, leave the past behind
I'll trust my journey, embrace the unknown
Their whispers won't hinder me, I'll carve a path of my own
They say I'm wrong, they say I'll fail
But I'll keep pushing forward, set sail
I'll learn from mistakes, grow through the pain
Their negativity won't stop me, I'll rise again and again
They say I'm foolish, they say I'm naive
But I'll keep believing, I won't easily leave
I'll trust my instincts, follow my heart
They can doubt all they want, but I'll make my own art
They say I'm lost, they say I'm confused
But I'll keep searching, won't be easily bruised
I'll find my path, discover my way
Their opinions won't steer me, I'll lead my own day