Dialogue: Step back, everybody lyrics
by Frank Loesser
[DOC, spoken]
Step back, everybody, and give me a little room, please!
[ROSABELLA, spoken]
Say, could you two fellas give me a lift to the station?
[TRUCK DRIVER, spoken]
Sorry, lady, we're drivin' the other way.
[MAN 1, spoken]
There she is. That's the bride standin' there.
[WOMAN 1, spoken]
How did she get up here?
[MAN 2, spoken]
That must be Rosabella.
[WOMAN 2, spoken]
And there she is standing with the suitcase.
[MAN 3, spoken]
Isn't it a shame her coming here all this way—
[MAN 4, spoken]
And him having an accident?
[TONY, spoken]
Rosabella. Nunja go 'way. Come here, Rosabella.
[MAN 5, spoken]
Hey Doc, make her stay.
[DOC, spoken]
Please, ma'am. Won't you do what he's askin'? Please?
[MARIE, spoken]
I'm his sister.
[TONY, spoken]
Hey, Doc. You gimme needle fulla medicine for make-a me sleep. How soon am I gonna sleep?
[DOC, spoken]
About ten minutes.
[TONY, spoken]
At's okay. We got time for the wedding, right now.
[MARIE, spoken]
No! He can't! He's hurt too bad. Ain't he, Doc?
[DOC, spoken]
Plenty bad. But maybe we oughta do what he wants. How about it, Padre?
[PADRE, spoken]
[TONY, spoken]
Right now, tonight. I'm-a no wanna wait for tomorrow. Maybe's gonna be no tomorrow.
[MARIE, spoken]
No! Tony!
[JOE, spoken]
Could be Rosabella wants time to think it over. What do you say, Rosabella?
[ROSABELLA, spoken]
Anything Tony wants! Any time.
[TONY, spoken]
At's-a my Rosabella!
[DOC, spoken]
Padre, this man can't be moved to the church. Let's have a quick ceremony in the house.
[PRIEST, spoken]
I'll call the Chancellery.
[MARIE, spoken]
No! He can't! He's hurt too bad! He's too sick—
[TONY, spoken]
[DOC, spoken]
Take it easy, Marie!
[MARIE, spoken]
He can't get married! You just gave him dope! He ain't in his right mind! He ain't in—
[TONY, spoken]
Shut up, Marie!
[DOC, spoken]
All right, folks. I guess the party'll have to be some other time. Everybody home.
All right, in the house. Make it a short one, Padre. I've got to have three quarters of the poor man in splints before midnight. Come on, Marie. After all, you only got your feelings hurt.
[JOE, spoken]
Okay, kids. Like the Doc says, go on home.
[HERMAN, spoken]
Well, Joey, it looks like you have to stick around now and run the ranch 'til Tony gets on his feet again.
[JOE, spoken]
Yeah. I know.
[HERMAN, spoken]
The boss has treated you pretty good, Joey.
[JOE, spoken]
[PRIEST, spoken]
Per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.
[ROSABELLA, spoken]
[TONY, spoken]