Tell Tony and Rosabella Goodbye for Me lyrics
by Frank Loesser
[AL, spoken]
So you're finally gettin' out of town, hey, Joe?
[CLEM, spoken]
Yeah, guess you've had enough of those Fresno beauties.
[JAKE, spoken]
You been here almost a year.
I've been too long in one place
And it's time to go, time to go
[CLEM, spoken]
Where you gonna go?
[JOE, spoken]
Santa Fe, New Mexico.
[CLEM, spoken]
Hey, Santa Fe!
Will ya tell Tony and Rosabella goodbye for me?
Tell 'em goodbye for me
Tell 'em it smelled like the day
I oughta be on my lonesome way
And will ya tell—
[BRAKEMAN, spoken]
All aboard!
Tony and Rosabella goodbye?
[AL, spoken]
Sure, we'll tell 'em.
[JOE, spoken]
This is for them.
[CLEM, spoken]
Hey, candy for the party!
Tell 'em goodbye
So long, Joey
For me
So long, Joe
So long, so long
So long, so long
So long
[CLEO, spoken]
Two for San Francisco, please.
[BUS DRIVER, spoken]
Bus leaves in about ten minutes, miss.
[CLEO, spoken]
Go on, honey. Get in the bus. Get in the bus and wait for me. I gotta go find Herman and say goodbye. Go on, honey. Please. Oh, fellas, you seen Herman?
[JAKE, spoken]
No, ma'am.
[AL, spoken]
Not this evenin'.
[CLEM, spoken]
He may be with Doc and the folks over at Clancy's.
[CLEO, spoken]
Oh, thanks.
[CLEM, spoken]
Hey, there's the boss, look.
[AL, spoken]
Hey, what's the matter with him?
[TONY, spoken]
Where's Joe?
[CLEM, spoken]
Just left a minute ago. Yeah, he just went off on the southbound train.
[TONY, spoken]
Who else was-a go?
[JAKE, spoken]
We didn't see nobody but Joe.
[CLEM, spoken]
He left you and the missus a message.
[TONY, spoken]
Me and the missus?
[CLEM, spoken]
Yeah, he said to tell you that it smelled like the time he ought to be on his lonesome way.
[AL, spoken]
Yeah, that's the way he told us.
[CLEM, spoken]
He left this for the both of you.
[JAKE, spoken]
What's the matter?
[AL, spoken]
Boss, what are you doin' on your feet way down here away from the house?
[CLEM, spoken]
Don't you want the candy?
[TONY, spoken]
We don't eat that kinda candy.