Shut Up For A Second lyrics
by CKY
Um I need to get some copies done tonight
I need a lot of numbers, a lot of other things. Umm can you help me with that?
What is... I need a little bit more help on your end
I need help. Shut up for a second. I need help from you because I need um what I'm gonna need is a lot of color pictures by the morning
Colored? Color copies?
How many?
A lot I'm afraid around seven or eight
Sure that shouldn't be a problem
What they are are maps of the United States this time
I'm sorry. I couldn't hear you?
What did you say?
I am sorry I couldn't hear you
I thought you said sh*t face to me. I'm sorry. I'm very sorry. It's very hard to hear you. Can you please speak up? Is this Paul?
Yes it is
Okay I just wanted to be sure he was helping me. Paul do you think you could help me with something else?
What is that?
Possibly if you tell me what it is that you need
It's something that I might ask of you to do for me in a time of need
If it has to do with copies, I can try to help but I
Oh there will be copies
Is there anything else I can help you with?
You know how you load?
I'm sorry
The copy machine? Paul! God damn it I swallow. Paul?
I'm sorry I'm not
I was saying water after I work all day on the net. Paul what I want from you. I want to dress you up like a little girl. Paul and I want to
I'm afraid this conversation just ended
No no. Get in that corner Paul. Get in that corner!
I'm sorry
**slurps** oh Paul!