Flooded Basement lyrics
by CKY
Mmmm how's it going?
What's your name? My name's Lennox
And my name's Raymond
Alright Raymond here's the problem. My basement's all flooded. And do you guys do anything that could clean it up and get the kids out of there? The kids blew up the rafts and they're down there and sheet
All running playing around paddling around pretending they're fishing having a good time. I gotta get it cleaned up you know what I'm saying. You guys pump that water out or do anything like that?
What caused it to flood?
I guess just cuz of the rain it all seeped through the walls. I come down it's all coming through the walls. You know we wеre watching football and we went down to thе basement to get some beer and then came back up and say man that place is floooded know what I'm saying. I gotta get that cleaned up. I'm here and it's Wednesday kids is still swimming down there ain't gone to school or nothing. I ain't gonna be eating Thanksgiving dinner down there with all that water flooded all over the place. Tom Turkey be running down there slipping down the steps
How how deep's the water?
Uh the water's about up to my ankles. It's about four or five inches deep now. At first it was three feet when we first went down the kids were all swimming cuz I got a little kid five year old seven year old they just they thought it was the funniest thing. I imagine before we got down, it was up to maybe seven feet. It was deep! But now it's only a few inches. It's all good. But I gotta get that last few inches pumped out of there. Know what I'm saying?
What're you gonna do for it?
I'm going to give you money. Get that out of there, get that water out of there, keep that water and I give you money. Can't go wrong with that. Now you got yourself water and money for the job well done. Know what I'm saying?
What're you willing to pay to pay for this?
I'll pay you anything know what I'm saying. I'll pay... I ain't going pay over $13 let me see. I got some change around here. Hold on one second
No we're talking at least a couple thousand here
A couple thousand? What are you talking about? A couple thousand? I ain't got a thousand. I tell you what I'll find $121. I got that saved up in the bank. You guys take food stamps?
It's a lot of money
You guys take food stamps?
What's that?
You guys take food stamps?
You take food stamps?
Well I'll give you food stamps
**Laughs** What are you goofy?
I ain't goofy. You goofy
Alright I'll see ya later
Nah listen up. Straight up you gots to pump that water out. Nah I'm sorry. How about this? You pump a couple gallons
Yeah okay, a couple gallons
A couple gallons straight up?
Yeah I'll be there tomorrow to pump
Oh Ray!
Alright what time do you wake up in the morning?
What's that?
What time you wake up in the morning?
I wake up four in the morning you know watch the sun set and the sun rise cuz where I live you just turn on the TV anything going on straight up know what I'm saying? We got to make that turkey look good cuz the football game's coming on. Thanksgiving want to watch that, pray, and get all crazy and sh*t, know what I'm saying? So I got to get that water out of there so I don't fall down the steps trying to get the beers out of the basement? You know what I'm saying? So you come over and pump that water out
Alright! I'll see you then. I love you Ray! I love you! God I'll see you then! My savior Ray!
Take care!
Bye bye
You take care now?
Huh okay bye