News Genius is annotating the results of the 2014 Midterms, adding results and analysis as races are called. This list is organized by state and poll closing times.
KY Senate: McConnell vs. Grimes
FL Governor: Scott vs. Crist
FL-02 Southerland
FL-26 Garcia
GA-12 Barrow
GA Senate: Perdue vs. Nunn
GA Governor: Deal vs. Carter
VA Senate: Warner vs. Gillespie
NC Senate: Hagan vs. Tillis
OH Governor: Kasich vs. FitzGerald
WV-03 Rahall
CT Governor: Malloy vs. Foley
IL-10 Schneider
IL-12 Enyart
IL: Quinn vs. Rauner
KS Senate: Roberts vs. Orman
KS Governor: Brownback vs. Davis
ME Governor: LePage vs. Michaud
MD Governor: Brown vs. Hogan
MA Governor: Coakley vs. Baker
MI Senate: Peters vs. Land
MI Governor: Snyder vs. Schauer
NH Senate: Shaheen vs. Brown
NH Governor: Hassan vs. Havenstein
NH-01 Shea-Porter
PA Governor: Corbett vs. Wolf
RI Governor: Raimondo vs. Fung
AR Senate: Pryor vs. Cotton
AR Governor: Ross vs. Hutchinson
AR-02 Hill
AZ Governor: Ducey vs. DuVal
AZ-01 Kirkpatrick
AZ-02 Barber
CO Senate: Udall vs. Gardner
CO Governor: Hickenlooper vs. Beauprez
LA Senate: Landrieu vs. Cassidy
MN Governor: Dayton vs. Johnson
MN-08 Nolan
NE-02 Terry
NY-01 Bishop
NY-18 Maloney
NY-24 Maffei
WI Governor: Walker vs. Burke
IA Senate: Ernst vs. Braley
OR Governor: Kitzhaber vs. Richardson
CA-07 Bera
CA-26 Brownley
CA-52 Peters
AK Senate: Begich vs. Sullivan