Lessons have not been learned lyrics
I think lessons have not been learned. It is incredible, that we had such incidents especially in the Italian Premier League in the San Siro between AC Milan and Roma, a very important match. The referee had to stop the match for a few minutes in order to bring back calm. This is bad, because we are just holding this task force against racism. In two weeks, we have our FIFA Congress, a little bit later it dose not matter, and we will have a resolution, that will be binding for everybody.
What is surprising and is not understandable, is that the Commission, the Disciplinary Committee of the Italian Football Federation has taken a decision, not even 24 hours after the event, by just imposing a fine. They have not made any investigation of what happened. And just to give a pecuniary sanction is not valid, that is not acceptable. You will always find money. What is 50000 Euros or 50,000 dollars for such an incident? I’m not happy and I will call the Italian Federation. It is not a way to deal with such matters.
I think it’s good for us and for the FIFA Congress, when we will present this resolution. In this resolution, there are foreseen sanctions. And these sanctions must be applied all around the world. That’s why we need the Congress’s decision. That will bind together all the 209 associations. I’m looking forward to that and I do hope, that there we will be no other incidents until the 30th of May, when we will deal with this matter in Mauritius.
It must be a decision by the congress, which is then binding for everybody. This is very important. So let’s wait those few days going to the Congress and I appeal to everybody for a little bit more discipline and respect.