Who Knows? lyrics
by E L U C I D
We promised to be obnoxious
When i had my head on straight was when i thought i lost it
That's when i lost it
I never loved before
I'm learning now
I’m being strong
She and i were co-pilots
Ran out of fuel, then nose dived it
She need more more
Well, i need more the same
I was waking up
I was well aware
I was not a man
She was not prepared
We were so in love
We really was
But then it rubbed
A w a y
We were so in love
We really was
We gathered dust
And then we blew away
You know
More than i do
Who knows
What else is true
The same night she felt free
I felt respected
Grieved for a week
And barely spoke
Amicably split
I was excited for
My own life -
Left separate at the get together
Work sucks, I know
Dad broke the news
I cried outside
She married him
While he dies
The past life zeitgeist
Trippin hard
Manic speak
It’s all good
We're enemies
It's love
I know
More than u do
I'm growing up
I sweat it out
I still drink
Im better now
I’m good
You know
More than i do
Who knows
What else is true
We were so in love
We really was
But then it rubbed
A w a y
I'm good
I know
It's all cool
We were so in love
We really was
We gathered dust
And then we blew away
You know
More than i do
Who knows
What else is true
We were so in love
We really was