The Ocean (Interlude) lyrics
by Deca
(Sample 1)
Beneath the ocean
There is still a vast, unexplored frontier
(Voice 1)
Okay, I was, um, climbing a mountain
And I started falling...
(Voice 2)
And falling and falling
And it's like everything becomes black
I thought: I'm going to die
I'm, I'm dying
This is the end
And I let go
And I hit the Ocean
I used to have this recurring dream
I'd be in a place
Where it was like a maze to get out of
But there were no walls
Like I was struggling to get out of a
f*cking, space
I'm in a prison
It's a circular room
I've been transferred from somewhere
And I don't have any memory of [what's gone on before]?
I'm introduced to this room by some kind of mental health professional, scientist or something
And it's very elaborate
With technology that I don't understand
And I don't know what these machines do
There was this house
And it was lined with these strange, green figures
They were like little aliens or little monsters
And I started walking into the house
And I was really afraid, uh
And I didn't know why I was so afraid
I grabbed the knob on the door
I opened up the door
And I realised that I was walking into my own mind
And then I woke up