Jacob’s Drum lyrics
by Helen Dunmore
This is Jacob's drum
how he beats on it how he fights on it
how he splits every crack of the house
how he booms
how he slams
hair wet-feathered sweat gathering
red-face Jacob throwing his money down
all on the drum his one number
beating repeating
O Jacob
don't let go of it
don't let anyone take your drum
don't let anyone of all of them
who want you to be drumless
beating your song on nothing
Jacob they'd do it
believe them
it's time they say
to put your drum away
do you remember the glow-worm Jacob?
how we looked and nearly touched it
but you didn't want to hurt it?
I thought it was electric
some trash a child dropped
some flake of neon
stuck to a rock
don't put your finger on the light
you said and I stood still then
glow-worm Jacob remember it
I had the word but it was you
who told me it was living
and now I say to anyone
don't touch Jacob's drum