The Child: A Granny Chapter 3 Song lyrics
by Random Encounters
Whose child is this
Born of some abyss
With such ghastly, festering skin?
-Its hollow eyes
And its piercing cries
Seem to summon some of its kin...
Where could they have put my spouse?
Is he dead or locked in a cell?
I'll scour the whole dang house-
While evading these fogies from Hell!
The clock is ticking
And I'm still missing
The keys for four of the locks...
But I've been spotted
And Grampa's rotted
Old arms are strong as an ox!
Quit shrieking, you crawling creep!
Go away! I don’t want you near!
Why won’t you go to sleep?
-I hear you, my dear!
The fire's roaring
And Grampa's snoring;
He’s sleeping deep as thе dead…
But now the child
Is screaming wildly-
Still, I’m onе step ahead
Hush, Child, your Granny's here!
This is just the chance that I need!
Let's put this escape in gear
And get my man finally freed!
I've got a plan
All we need's a can
Of explosive gas and some guns!
With one good shot
We can blow the snot
Out of all three wretches at once!
You wrangle the baby
While I find some fuel to ignite!
One gambit and maybe
We can end this nightmare tonight...
Let's skip all the chit-chat:
All we've got's a single demand!
We'll trade you this molerat
For that gun in your hand...
That's how it came undone-
-all over Granny's gun
Down fell the elder one
And fate came to our aid!
Gas sprinkled across the floor...
Pure fury with every pour...
Sweet fire, the flames of war!
But then a knock at the door…