The Pikachu Song: An Original Songchu lyrics
by Random Encounters
Pikachu! Pikachu!
I'm your loyal 'lectric shrew!
Oak is scary! Gary's hairy! Here's a Pokedex for you!
Pika this! Pika that!
I am wearing Ash's hat!
Plus three speed is all I need so I can beat up this Golbat!
EXP, just for me!
I'm evolving- Quick, press B!
Nah, just kidding! You would need a Thunder Stone!
So just remember, if you try to
Make me Raichu, I will fight you!
Pikachu! Pikachu! Pikachu!
Oh no! A Rocket Grunt has seen us!
Now he says he wants to fight!
Too bad his team is level 7, and it's stupid- ("Meowth! That's right!")
I'll use my Thundershock to maul it!
When we win, we'll take his wallet!
Now let's search inside a patch of grass
And catch ourselves a flaming ass- ("Seriously, guys, I'm a horse.")
Pikachu! Pikachu!
I am so in love with you!
Feeling weary? Eat a berry while I play this Poke Flute!
On a board! On a bike!
Let's go fishing! Now let's hike!
Elite Four is such a bore... Hey, can you hear me with this mic?
Missing No! Here we go!
HM05 is my M.O!
We can replicate Rare Candies everywhere!
Hey Metapod, I beg your pardon
But I think you've over-hardened...
Pikachu! Pikachu! Pikachu!
I'm a girl! I'm a guy!
I can faint but I can't die!
"Pika Pika" on yo' speaka, but ???'s my battle cry!
Take a walk! Take a nap!
Listen to the Poke Rap!
Sneasel, easel, weasel, freeze'll, Freeze you solid! ("It's a trap!")
Ouch, I'm burned! Oh, the pain!
Argh! Confusion?! I'm insane!
I'll incapacitate myself until I'm well!
Although it's true, I'm quite frenetic...
...I'm also photogenic...
...'Cause I'm your loyalest pal in the entire world-
Red, Gold, Black, Emerald, Platinum, Diamond, Sapphire, Pearl
Pikachu! Pikachu! Pikachu!