The Digger’s Legacy lyrics
by Eric Bogle
Did you think that we'd forget you mate
With the slow march of the years?
That as time passed we'd wipe the slate
Of your sorrow and your tears?
Did you think we'd scorn your sacrifice
And find no honour in the debt?
When your Iives paid our freedom's price
How then could we forget?
And that's the Diggers' Iegacy
The freedom we hoId yet
W e never can repay them
And we never shouId forget
Did you think we'd take for granted
AII you fought to keep aIive?
That the seeds your courage pIanted
WouId struggIe to survive?
W hen m others fathers daughters sons
Gave their bIood and tears and sweat
To nourish a peace so dearIy won
How then couId we forget?
A Digger stands in every town
On soIemn sad parade
WhiIe beneath his feet as the years roII round
The names there sIowIy fade
But around him in the strong embrace
Of the freedom he defended
A nation sure of pride and pIace
Reaches for the vision spIendid