Twenty Years Ago lyrics
by Eric Bogle
I shall not fear, I shall not stumble
I shall never give up the struggle
Till morning comes and the shadows pass
And we all walk in the light at last
Twenty years ago in a country far away
I marched for the same cause I'm marching today
For a world without shadows and a future without fear
Twenty years ago and a long way from here
Twenty years ago I remember how we sang
We waved our banners proudly as we marched arm in arm
For a world we thought worth saving we lifted up our voice
We saw the holocaust, you know we had no choice
And here I am today, and twenty years have gone
The shadows are still with us, the struggle still goes on
The cloud of fear still hovers, and yet we all still try
To blow ourselves all to hell, and still I don't know why
And in twenty years from now, if I get to live that long
If I'm needed I'll be marching and I'll still be singing songs
So let us stand together, vow never to give in
You know we are right, and you know that we must win