Dude 1 turns to The Boy and sho...uts at him to stay still
The boy looks down at dude 2's body. he was gasping for air, now hes lying there motionless, with his eyes open staring at the ceiling as if he couldn't sleep. The boy then looks down at his shirt, smiling at the blood splatter because it has made out patterns that resemble the buddha in the center of his foyer. He then looks up to dude 1 still smiling, slowly resting his smile till its gone
Dude 1 pulls the boys phone out, looks at the screen, and tosses it to the boy then runs off. You can hear the other 2 dudes run to the driveway to meet with him. 3 car doors slam, engine revs, Futures "sh*t" is playing in the car at max volume until it slowly starts fading away
The boy looks at his phone and sees a message:
Naomi: maybe you should trust me...
The boy walks to his pool and sits on the edge staring at the water, as if the water had an answer to eternal life. he starts speaking to the water
Why does life just end abruptly?
Our life is Hotnewhiphop with the way were getting trolled...(laughter)
Or.. you know what else?
The finale of Sopranos when Tony looks up only for the screen to blackout and end the episode with no explanation, kinda like how life forces death on us...”(light laughter)
The boy then jumps in the deep end of the pool and just stands there, looking forward blurry eyed from the water into his room to see his wetsuit hanging
Just waiting to feel this state of euphoria