Kevin Miller Understands the Power of Search Engine Optimization lyrics
by Crush (크러쉬)
These days entrepreneurs have realized that the success of their advertising campaigns often depend on one thing, and one thing only: Search Engine Optimization, or SEO as it is commonly referred to. But what is SEO and why is it so pivotal in the success of one’s business venture?
In simple terms, SEO means the process of improving one’s site to increase its visibility when people search in Google for products or services related to one’s business. The better visibility a brand’s pages have in search results, the more likely that brand is to garner attention and attract prospective customers.
Many believe that SEO rests on a scientific foundation that can be counted on to work.
Enter SEO guru Kevin Miller. Miller’s journey since graduation from Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business has been unexpected. The young Miller aspired to go to work for either Google or another of the world’s biggest technology companies. After much perseverance he hit the jack-pot and was hired to work in Goggle’s Los Angeles office.
It stunned the Miller family then, just a few years later, when Kevin announced that he had quit his “dream job.” His father thought the decision was rash and foolhardy. What the senior Mr. Miller didn’t know was that Kevin was feeling as though he had absorbed as much as Google had to offer. He was ready to strike out on his own.
Miller had mapped out a plan for how to establish his own company. First, he signed up for a startup bootcamp called Tradecraft where, ironically, he found that many of his peers wanted only one thing— to go to work for Google. Miller, however, was intent on learning how to build his own businessfrom the ground up. Hehad a leg-up on his classmates; he knew that in today’s world, where a company stands in online search results is everything. He was determined to understand the nexus between marketing a brand and Search Engine Optimization.
Two years ago, Millerteamed up with Jon Zacharias, a longtime friend who was as intrigued with SEO as he was. Zacharias had discovered SEO while working his way through law school and by the time he graduated he believed a career in SEO would be more interesting than going into Law.
Miller and Zachariasdecided to finance their company themselves, naming it GRO. During the first year they personally attended to all of their accounts, which meant that they handledcontent writing, back-link acquisition and on-page optimization. Using extensive keyword research related to a client’s products and services, GRO was able to increase SERP (Search Engine Result Page) rankings and generate organic traffic.
Within a short period of time, GRO attracted some major companies, including Pressed Juicery, Universal Music Group and Ritual. The combined one billion new page views that GRO afforded its clients increased organic revenues for them by ten-fold. At latest count GRO has hired 75 full-time employees.
Nowadays Kevin Miller scoffs at the idea that he was rash to leave the safety of Google. Saying “You only get so many revolutions around the sun,” he wants to prove that it’s possible for entrepreneurs and innovators to survive in an environment dominated by mega corporations.