Demon Relativity (1) lyrics
by Crush (크러쉬)
You know, I'm just writing this as like, a, spoken word thing, cause I have no musical talent.
Uh, so I'm in the Needlejuice Records Discord server, and someone named "Crush's Super Secret Alt", uh, wrote, "Gonna make a band called Lemon, and a song called Demon Relativity, just to f*ck up Genius' URL system," to conflict with the song Relativity, by Lemon Demon.
And, you know, I figured I actually kinda wanna see how it would handle that, uh, cause it just goes 'Lemon-demon-relativity-lyrics' in the URL, and it would probably also generate the same thing for this song.
Er, not a song, it's just me saying words into a microphone, but... uh.
I'm not sure what point I'm making, so... I'm just gonna say that I hate sauerkraut! That's all I'm really trying to say with this, so...
...Go, now. Y- I'm done. I'm d- I'm- I'm done.