Things About You (Remix) lyrics
I don't want to but I need to
Open up a window let me see you
With a smile and a tight little see-through
Like a dream so real it could be true
Looking so good I could eat you
With your perfect hair and your heels too
I know you and I never had to meet you
Everybody would be a celebrity if it was up to me
I know your favorite color
I know your favorite bands
I know your famous lovers
I know your one-night stands
I know your long lost mother
I know your dead beat dad
You can run for cover baby
But you don't have a chance
Let me into your social network
Nice and easy and nobody gets hurt
I know you value your privacy
So my advice would be to be nice to me
Update me on your status daily
I'm an addict baby please
Let me know where you're going and when
So I can see you again and again and again and again and again and again
I'm everywhere and I'm nowhere
With a laptop and a cold stare
It's all a game and it's no fair
Can't help myself I gotta go there
I saw you slam a paparazzi's camera into bits
They got it all on video put it online
Now it has like a million hits