#RIPLastGen lyrics
by Rockstar Games
No I don't, I don't have it
I don't have it, I don't have it
[Verse 1: LispyJimmy]
It's been a long day, without you my friend
Rockstar decided no DLC on last gen
So I think it's time, we all say goodbye
But I'm a little f*cking p*ssed, so i'll at least try, to change their minds
[Verse 2: LispyJimmy]
Yeah, I am a little f*cking p*ssed
I mean PS3 and Xbox 360 where the sh*t
It's where we started our journey, and now were here
But now we're abending it like
I don't understand, those where the beginning
Those where the start of everything
I just have a few things to say
[Verse 3: LispyJimmy]
I'm gonna miss the times, getting raped in the behind
By some guy in GTA hacking away
Or the times me and my friend play, act the gay, it was okay, it was GTA, our last gen, the best gen
Now where f*cked in the butt, cause thousands if not millions without DLC inset to see, honestly
Forced to pay people can't, it's like sticking an 2 inch sick in an egg-plant
Or trying to play GTA and have the same feeling again
When you first played campaign to the end
Now you must sit back and take it like a fat chick
It's okay tho, where used to that sh*t
But if you don't agree or don't feel right, walkup with a thight grant, upright chant and say
[Verse 4: LispyJimmy]
But maybe change is good, maybe it's supposed to happenin', like it should
Maybe where just blind by the smaller picture, and not seeing the bigger picture
Change always has it's way of working it's way thru'
Thru' though and thin, hot and cold, struggles and stress, and all the rest
So I give faith in Rockstar Games, hopin' nothing will stay the same
Only improvements from here on now, don't let me down
I've had faith in you guys, till the end, even when I got striked, it wasn't pretend
And now, I keep my faith strong, even tho, I know nothing is for certain, but that is what faith is
So I start here, by closing the curtains, saying goodbye, hoping for change, shouting the name
The name of the game we all know, and play, GTA
So, Rockstar, please don't let us down, I have so much hope for you guys and
And I just feel like, at this point, maybe GTA will go downhill
Maybe we won't be able to see it, over the other side, so I'm hoping from Rockstar Games, that you guys
The ones we love, with all suprise, show us, you know what you're doing
And show us that what you're doing is right
Proof to us, that this is the right decision
Proof to us, that you will show truth, truthness to the fans, the loyal
And at this time, it's where it ends, #RIPLastGen