Jack Hall lyrics
by Rockstar Games
Ooh, I got one! Jack Hall!
Do you know Jack Hall?
[Verse 1]
I am a band of highway men, Jack Hall is my name
My crimes and depredations brought my friends to shame
Robbing o' the North Field Bank the same I can't deny
For now I am a prisoner in the Stillwater Jail I lie
[Verse 2]
'Tis of a bold high robbery a story to you I'll tell
Of a California miner who unto us befell
Robbed him of his money and bid him go his way
For which I will be sorry of until my dying day
[Verse 3]
And then we rode toward Texas through dust and fierce heat
Across the Nebraska prairies the Miller boys we did meet
Knives, guns, and revolvers, we all set down to play
A drinking of good whiskey to pass the time away
[Verse 4]
A Central Union Railway train was the next we did surprise
The crimes we done by our bloody hands bring tears into my eyes
The engineer man, the fireman killed, the conductor escaped alive
And now their bones lie molten beneath the Nebraska skies
[Verse 5]
Then we sat on horses, north westward we did go
To godforsaken country, they call it Misadio
Had my eye on the Northfield Bank when Brother Bob did say
Now Jack if you undertake the job you sure will curse the day
[Verse 6]
But I stationed out my pickets, up to the bank did go
And there upon the counter I struck my fatal blow
Just hand us all the money, and make no further delay
For we are the famous Hall Brothers, we spare no time to pray
[Verse 7]
Then came a rain of bullets, my brothers and I fled
But they just kept on coming, shooting us until we bled
So now I sit in jail to settle accounts and pay the cost
We tried a desperate game in life, we tried that game and lost