2001: A Space Odyssey lyrics
by 2001 : A Space Odyssey
What are this film's influences?
Is the movie about God?
How scientifically accurate is the movie?
What is that dramatic music used in the opening and closing?
Were those actual apes in the Dawn of Man sequence?
What are the monoliths?
What do the Russians say?
How were the main scenes on the Discovery filmed?
Would a centrifuge like that on Discovery generate artificial gravity?
Wouldn't the Discovery's centrifuge impart a spin to the ship?
Why were some crew members put into hibernation?
Is HAL a computer?
Is HAL in absolute control of the Discovery?
What explains HAL's actions towards the end of the film? Was he paranoid?
Is HAL's name a reference to IBM?
What is the significance of the chess game?
What was the supposedly defective AE-35 unit removed from the giant dish antenna?
Where does the pod door go during emergency entry into the Discovery?
How long can a person survive exposed to a vacuum in space?
Why doesn't Dave's pod fly off into space when the hatch blows?
Does Dave's pod become useless upon explosive re-entry of Dave in the discovery?
Where does Dave get a replacement helmet for his spacesuit?
Is there any symbolic significance to the hotel room?
What happens during the final scene?
Why is there so little dialogue?
Did Kubrick use drugs?