All UCN Voice Lines (Including Mr. Hippo) lyrics


Scott Cawthon

1. I always come back!

1. I could hear you breathing.
2. Admit it, you wanted to let me in
3. Why do you hide inside these walls?
4. Don’t be shy.
5. These are strange circ*mstances that have brought us here.

Circus Baby:
1. Looks like something bad happened.
2. I guess you forgot about me.
3. I guess you forgot about me.
4. Want to see the scooping room?

1. Uh oh, how unfortunate! Uh oh, how unfortunate! I’m gonna do a sneaky thing and throw a new contender in the ring!
2. Uh oh, how unfortunate! Uh oh, how unfortunate! I know how much you like to fight so I’ll add a new problem to your night!

1. Ya-ha-ha-harr! Never underestimate the cunning of a pirate! Or a fox, for that matter.
2. Arrgh! Ya never stood a chance!
3. Yarr! I came for ye booty! That be treasure, you know…
4. I can’t run like I used to, but I can pull myself apart just fine.
5. Arr! So much more spacious in here! I may stay a while.
Funtime Chica:
1. Don’t get distracted!
2. I’m ready for my closeup!
3. Smile!
4. Say cheese!
5. Today is all about me, me, me!

Funtime Foxy:
1. It seems you couldn’t make it to my show, so i brought the show to you!
2. Showtimes are on the hour, not a moment before and not a moment later!
3. It’s time to take your final bow!
4. I’m sorry, but there was never enough room on this stage for both of us!
5. A performance was demanded of me, and now I have delivered. Encore!

Happy Frog:
1. I bet you weren’t expecting me, were ya? Turn your back for one second and I’m like ‘Wha-shoom!’ ninja skills!
2. You and I don’t get to talk as often as I’d like!
3. Everyone underestimates me, but then they turn their back and I’m like ‘boo!’ and they’re like ‘aaauugh!’
4. Move over, Freddy Fazbear! Happy Frog is the new star of the show!
1. We’ve only just begun. I will never let you leave. I will never let you rest.

1. Did things get really hot in here, or is it just me?
2. Come and burn with me!
3. The fire within me burns eternal, and now you shall as well!
4. I am a burning reminder of your misdeeds.
1. Greetings from the fire, and friend of what you should not have killed.
1. Don’t be afraid. Soon you will look just like me…beautiful!
2. Now I get to play take apart and put back together! You won’t feel a thing…
3. I wanted to wait until just the right moment to drop in!
4. It’s so much more fun, hanging out in here with you.
1. He’s here, and always watching, the One You Shouldn’t Have Killed.

1. Seeing you powerless is like music to me.
2. I don’t hate you, but you need to stay out of my way.
3. I recognize you! But I’m not afraid of you. Not anymore.
4. The others are under my protection.
5. The others are like animals, but I am very aware.

Music Man:
1. You and I will be making music together for a long, long time!
2. You hear that? It’s the sweet, sweet sound of your eternal silence!
3. Hey! Keep it down, would ya?
4. When I’m here, you play by my rules!
5. A song was requested of me, and now I sing it!

Nedd Bear:
1. Don’t you hate getting killed by obscure secondary characters?
2. Stranger danger!
3. Hyuk-hyuk-hyuk! I was just waiting for you to drop your guard!
4. Whoops! That’s gonna leave a mark.
1. This is how it feels, and you get to experience it over, and over, and over again…forever. I will never let you leave.
Nightmare Bonnie:
1. You will not be spared. You will not be saved.
2. The shadow fears me.
3. I am your wickedness, made of flesh.
4. I’m here to claim…what is left of you.
5. I will put you back…to relive your horror.

Nightmare Balloon Boy (Nightmare BB):
1. Come closer. Help me count my teeth!
2. Heh-heh-heh-heh-heh-heh-heh! You’re not so big. Just a bite-sized morsel. (vomit)
3. You knew I’d get you eventually.
4. There just isn’t room in here for both of us. Heh-heh-heh…
5. Flash that light all you want. It can’t save you now.

Nightmare/Nightmare Fredbear/Nightmare Golden Freddy:
1. Let me put you back together, then take you apart all over again.
2. Let’s see how many times you can be pulled apart.
3. I assure you, I am very real.
4. This time, there is more than an illusion to fear.
5. We know who our friends are, and you are not one of them.

Nightmarionne/Nightmare Marionette/Nightmare Puppet:
1. This is a nightmare that you won’t wake from.
2. This time, death cannot save you.
3. The nightmare is just beginning.
4. Let’s taste death again…and again…and again.
5. I am the fearful reflection of what you have created.

Orville Elephant:
1. What did you think of my act?
2. I don’t get out much, so you’ll have to forgive my enthusiasm.
3. I hope you enjoyed the grand finale.
4. Now is my time to shine!
1. He tried to release you! He tried to release us! But I’m not gonna let that happen! I will hold you here. I will keep you here. No matter how many times…they burn us!

1. I consider it a dignified death…not really, it was actually quite pathetic. (banjo music)
2. If you sit by the river long enough, you will see the body of your enemy float by. Heh-heh-heh-heh… (banjo music)
3. Even monkeys fall from trees. (banjo music)
4. The nail that sticks out gets hammered down. (banjo music)
5. The talented hawk hides his claws. (banjo music)

Rockstar Bonnie (all sung):
1. Why so blue? You know I’ll be true and now, I’ll make slivers out of you.
2. So good to see you again, my truest friend, but now your life must end.
3. What a fine day to come here and say that your face and flesh I must flay.
4. What a treat to come here and meet your face as it hits concrete.
5. I found my guitar, now reach for the stars as I plunge it through your heart!

Rockstar Chica:
1. That’s right! And don’t you come back now, y’hear?!
2. That’ll teach ya fer trying to trick this ol’ bird!
3. Thought you could fool me with that sign, but I was too smart for ya!
4. I may not like wet floors, but the smell of fresh meat is just too enticing! Ha-ha!
5. Whoops! Looks like you’re the one that slipped up this time!

Rockstar Foxy:
1. Yarr! What can I do for ya?
2. Yarr! How may I be of service to ya?
3. Yarr! Who touched me bird?
4. Yarr! Me bird likes ya, so I’ll do ye a favor!
5. Yarr! Ye win some, ye lose some!
6. Yarr! Ye play with fire, and sometimes ye get burned!

Rockstar Freddy:
1. Please deposit five coins.
2. Please deposit five coins.
3. Please deposit five coins.
4. You are attempting to trick Freddy!
5. You are attempting to trick (glitch)
6. Freddy doesn’t like this!
7. Thank you for depositing five coins!

Scrap Baby:
1. Time for your controlled shock.
2. Time for your controlled shock.
3. Let’s see how many pieces I can cut you into.
4. You won’t die. But you’ll wish you could.

Toy Chica:
1. You won’t get tired of dying, will you?
2. Where’s my beak? Lodged in your forehead, of course.
3. You won’t get tired of my voice, will you?
4. Let’s go somewhere more private…so I can eat you.

Toy Freddy:
1. That game was totally rigged!
2. That’s what you get for leaving me hanging!
3. If I get jumpscared, you get jumpscared!
4. Mr. Hugs got me again!
5. It’s not my fault. I have these fat, plastic fingers and can’t press the buttons!

Trash and the Gang (all whispered):
1. Pssst, I have something to tell you.
2. Hey, hey, I want to tell you something.
3. Pssst. Hey, over here. Get closer.
4. Excuse me, can you come a little closer?
5. Hey, down here, Hello. I wanted to ask you something. It’s something really important.

Withered Bonnie:
1. Time to face the consequences of your failure.
2. Might as well face the facts, you were always destined to fail.
3. You blinked.
4. What is this new prison? Is it me trapped, or is it you? Perhaps, it’s us both.
5. I may be missing my face, but even I could see you stalk.

Withered Chica:
1. I never thought I’d make it through that vent, but now we are together.
2. Let me show you how to break your face and look like me!
3. Come closer, let us smile together!
1. I was the first. I have seen everything. I have seen him, the One You Shouldn’t Have Killed.

Nightmare Freddy:
1. I am remade, but not by you, by the One You Should Not Have Killed.
2. No light can save you now.
3. I have always been hiding in your shadow.
4. What a gift to relish, a victim that can’t perish.
5. I am given flesh, to be your tormentor.

1. Shhhhhh…It will all be over soon.
2. Shhhhhh…There is room for one more.
3. Shhhhhh…Come spend eternity inside with me.
4. Shhhhhh…I’ve been looking for you. And now I will never let you go.
5. Shhhhhh…I am so glad that I found you. Let me make room for you.

Mr. Hippo:
1. My friend, you have met a terrible, terrible demise. But I, uh, y’know, I- I- I don’t feel too bad about it. After all, if it weren’t for me, it would’ve just been from someone else, y’know? I guess what I’m trying to say is life- life goes on. Well… well for everyone else life goes on. Not- not for you…uh…you’re dead. That’s neither here nor there. It reminds me of one summer day in the park. I was having just a delightful picnic with my good friend Orville, and I said to him- I said “Orville, I- I have a story.” And he said to me, “What’s the significance of the story?” and…I said to him “O-Orville, not every story has to have significance, y’know? Sometimes uhh, y’know, sometimes a story is just a story. You try to read into every little thing and find meaning in everything anyone says you’ll just drive yourself crazy. Had a friend do it once - Wasn’t pretty. we talked about it for years. And-and not only that, but you’ll likely end up believin' something you shouldn’t believe or thinkin' something you shouldn’t think o-or assumin' something you shouldn’t assume, y’know? Sometimes," I said, "a story is- is just a story, so just be quiet for one second in your life and eat your sandwich, okay?" Of course, it was only then I realized I made sandwiches. Poor Orville was…having such difficulty eating it. Elephants have those clumsy hands, y’know? Actually, I-I suppose that’s the problem; they don’t have hands at all, do they? The-they’re all feet! A-and I-I couldn’t imagine someone asking me to eat a sandwich with my feet. Now, if I recall correctly there was a bakery nearby. I- I said to him “Orville, l-let me go get you some rye bread.” Now, I-I’m unsure if elephants enjoy rye bread, but I assure you that Orville does. Now this was on a Tuesday, which was good because rye bread was always fresh on Tuesday. They made sourdough on Monday and threw it out Wednesday…or rather they sold it at a discount for people wantin' to feed the ducks and then, probably at the end of the day finally they threw it all out, I-I don't recall. I do remember a man who would bring his son to the bakery every Wednesday, and-and go feed the ducks. He would buy all of the sourdough bread. Of course, y’know, you’re not supposed to feed the ducks sourdough bread at all. It swells up in their stomach and then they all die. At, uh, at least, at least that’s what I’ve heard. Y’know I never saw any ducks die myself, but I did notice a substantial decrease in the duck population over the course of a few years. I just never thought to stop the man and tell him he was killing the ducks by feeding them sourdough bread! And if you want my opinion on the matter, heh- and I told Orville this as well: if you wanna feed ducks or birds, or any kind for that matter, it’s best to buy seed. I mean, when you think about it, breads of any sort don’t occur in nature. They don’t grow on trees, or spring up from the bushes. I don’t think birds know what to do with bread. What was I saying? Oh, oh yes yes. So I bought Orville some rye bread. What a fine day it was.”

2. “Well, it seems that your journey has ended. Very sorry about that. It-it was always going to end this way, of course. If it weren’t by me, it would’ve just been by some other, y’know, terrible thing, just…you could not imagine how terrible it would be. Just…I get scared thinking about it! Glad it’s not me. Reminds me of a-of a time I was speaking to my good friend Orville. We were…we were sitting on a park bench watching the pigeons. I was on the left, he was on the…wait, was I on the right?...or left? Anyways, it doesn’t matter. We were sitting on there watching the pigeons. And I…uh…I said to Orville, ‘Friend, those birds are frozen!” He…kinda looked at me like I’d lost my mind. But I reminded him that it was winter, y’know? And often birds will sit in a tree until they’d freeze…Then they’d, they’d, you know, sort of fall to the ground until the sun warms up, an-and they can, y’know, move around again. So I said to Orville, ‘You’d might as well save those breadcrumbs until the birds thaw, because they can’t very well enjoy them in the condition they’re in.’ To which he asked what I meant, and asking what condition the crumbs should be in before he threw them to the birds, assuming that I had meant the birds couldn’t enjoy the breadcrumbs in the condition that the crumbs were in, when in fact I had meant the birds couldn’t enjoy them in the condition that the birds were in, considering the birds were frozen, y’know? So he took a moment and then threw his last handful onto the ground. I said to him, ‘Orville, why did you just throw the breadcrumbs to the birds when I just told you they’re frozen?’ To which he responded, ‘the breadcrumbs are not frozen,’ again misunderstanding my words. I didn’t mean to say that the breadcrumbs were frozen, when I said, ‘I told you they’re frozen,’ I’d been referring to the birds. Y’know, in hindsight what I should’ve said was–and this would make perfect sense, ‘Why did you throw the breadcrumbs to the birds when the birds are frozen?’ He misunderstood upon my correction, statin’ that he didn’t know what else to do with the breadcrumbs, and that perhaps, y’know, when the birds thawed, they’d still be able to eat the crumbs. So I-I said to Orville, I said, and this is what I said to him, I said, ‘Orville, the birds may be dead.”

3. “Huh, it seems that you have met your end. Ugh, what a pity. Y'know I-I dont feel too bad about it, though. After all, if it weren’t me, it would’ve just been one of the others, I guess. I’m honestly just glad to be out of those air ducts. Y’know it’s-it’s not easy for a hippopotamus to fit up there, and not easy to get down either. I’m not as young as I used to be, as you can see. I used to be able to do all the sorts of things. Y-you’re young, you’re vibrant, you have that sort of pep in your step. Heh, reminds me of a conversation that I was havin’ with one of my good friends Orville. We were havin’ a nice picnic one day. I believe it was summer or perhaps it was…was it the fall? Yes, yes. It was the fall because the leaves had turned already. But I said to Orville I says, ‘Orville I have a story to tell you,’ and Orville looked at me–y’know, kinda odd–and, and said, ‘What’s it about?’ I said to him, ‘not every story has to be about something Orville. Sometimes a person just wants to talk. Why does everything have to be a story?’ I said to him. He just looked at me. He said, ‘Well y-you said you had a story.’ Y’know he was quite right. I did in fact. I told him I had a story. I suppose if a person just wants to talk then it’s best to not announce that you’re telling a story. Tellin’ a story does come with its own pressures and expectations I-I suppose. After all, if you’re just talking to a friend then there’s no more expectations than if you were talkin’ into the wind. Words by themselves aren’t expected to carry–uh, aren’t expected to stick, but if, y’know, if you announce that you’re tellin’ a story well then there’d better be a point to it all, y’know? No one wants to sit and listen to someone ramble on and on and on with absolutely no end in sight. So, y’know it’s-it’s good to be mindful of that when you tell someone that you’re about to tell a story, that you have something to say. Tellin’ someone that you’re gonna tell them a story is tantamount to askin’ them to stop what they’re doin’ and–and pay attention. You’re basically sayin’ ‘hey, hey buddy, stop everything, stop what you’re thinking. I have a solution to everything.’ And well I didn’t really have a story to tell. In-in hindsight I-I probably just misspoke when I said that I had a story. I think it would’ve just been better to tell Orville that I wanted to tell him something, rather than tell him that I had a story. But, y’know, even then it mighta put too much importance on the whole thing. Either way, it was quite a nice day. I remember–I remember that we were drinking tea.”

4. “Huh, it seems that you have met a-a horrible demise, my friend. But, uh, y’know, these things happen, an-and life, life goes on. Not for you, obviously, uh, you’re dead, but uh it reminds me of a time I was-I was havin’ a conversation with my friend Orville. We were–uh, where were we? We were by the–wh-the-the river, we were sitting by the river and watching the fish leap over the falls and uh, I–I said to Orville, ‘Y’know sometimes I feel like a fish leaping over and over again. Always trying to get somewhere. Oh, I don’t know where only to find myself in the jaws of a beast.’ He ‘course looked at me surprised, y’know? ‘Have you been in the jaws of a beast, friend?’ To which I said, ‘no, of course not, Orville.’ I said, ‘No, no, no I-I simply meant that life can seem like a relentless endeavor. Overcome meaningless obstacles only to meet an equally meaningless fate, regardless of your efforts, regardless of the obstacles you’ve passed.’ And, uh, Orville, he stood and proceeded to drape me with a picnic cloth. To which I-I-I asked him, I said, ‘friend, what–what are you doing?’ He looked at me–very concerned–really. ‘I feel like you’ve gotten too much sun.’ Indeed, huh, indeed I had. He proceeded to pour me a glass of just ice-cold lemonade, ooh, you ever mix it with iced tea? Do a like–little half lemonade half–ooh, it’s so–you try it some–well you can’t, because you’re dead, but–anyways. So, you may be asking yourself, how did I go from sitting by the falls drinking lemonade to being wedged in the air duct, not only with Orville, but with an entire assortment of fruity-colored friends? Well, there’s uh, there’s really no good answer to that, but perhaps I met a demise of my own at some point and this is my afterlife or my dream–whatever it might mean I honestly don’t know. Or maybe it doesn’t mean anything at all. Maybe it doesn’t mean anything at all.
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