Night 2 Transcribed (FNAF:SL) lyrics
by Scott Cawthon
[Elizabeth Afton]
Daddy! You let the other children go see her, why won't you let me go?
Transition back into the elevator
Welcome back for another intellectual stimulation, pivotal career choices, and self-reflection on past mistakes.
We're committed to create a unique and fulfilling work experience. One part of that commitment is ensuring that you don't get tired of the voice that you're hearing right now.
Using the keypad below, please select a new companion voice.
For male, press 1.
For female, press 2.
For text only, press 3.
For other options, press 4.
No matter what you click, it will always be the same result
It seems that you had some trouble with the keypad. I see what you were trying to type, and I will auto-correct it for you.
Thank you for choosing...
Angsty Teen.Night 2[Angsty Teen]
The elevator stopped. You know the routine.
You can get out now, or... whatever.
Stay here if you want.
Enters the vent shaft
So... funny story. A dead body was found in this vent once...
Okay, so not that funny. But... it's a story.
Enters the Primary Control Module
Okay, let's start with your nightly chores.
You should check on Ballora and make sure she's on her stage, but... whatever.
Turning on the light shows a silhouette of Ballora in front of the window
Huh. I guess Ballora has better things to do.
Let's zap her. That should be fun.
Presses button to zap Ballora
Suddenly, the voice gets distorted for about 15 seconds or so
Let's check on Funtime Foxy. Make sure he's ready for showtime tomorrow.
Turning on the light shows a silhouette of Funtime Foxy in front of the window
There seems to have been a problem with the voice synthesizer.
Default settings have been restored.
Please proceed through the vent ahead of you to 'Circus Baby's Auditorium'.
Proceeds to crawl into vent shaft
[Computer Voice]
Motion Trigger, Circus Gallery Vent
Enters Circus Baby Auditorium
Circus Baby had a busy day today.
Let's check the light and make sure she's in proper working order.
Turns on the light to reveal that Baby is missing
Oh Circus Baby, we aren't here to play Hide and Seek.
Let's encourage Baby to come out of hiding with a controlled shock.
Presses the 'Shock' button, only for it to malfunction
Let's try another controlled shock.
Presses the 'Shock' button again, only for it to malfunction once more
There seems to be a power malfunction that is affecting our ability to properly motivate Baby.
Please standby, while I reboot the system. I will be offline momentarily during this process.
Various other systems may be offline as well. Such asSecurity doorsVent locksOxygenCommencing system restart.
Power cuts off
[Computer Voice]
Motion Trigger, Entry Way Vent
Funtime Auditorium Maintenance Vent, Opened
Ballora Gallery Maintenance Vent, Opened
I don't recognize you. You are new.
I remember this scenario, however.
It's a strange thing to want to do.
To come here...
I'm curious what events would lead a person to want to spend their nights...
In a place like this.
Maybe curiosity?
Maybe ignorance.
There is a space under the desk. Someone before you crafted it into a hiding place and it worked for him.
I recommend that you hurry though.
You will be safe there. Just try not to make eye contact.
It will be over soon. They will lose interest.
Enters the space under the desk
The player is then filled in a tight space in which their vision is a wall with numerous abstract shaped holes.
Hello in there...
At random times, the BidyBab's eyes appear in the holes
Someone is inside.
Is it the same person?
Knock knock...
Suddenly, the door begins to open in which the player must resist by pulling it back closed
We always find a way inside...
Suddenly, the door begins to open again in which the player must resist once more by pulling it back closed
She's watching us!
*gasp* We have to leave now!
We will see you again soon!
When your "guide" comes back online, he is going to tell you that he was unsuccessful. That you must restart the system manually.
He will then tell you to crawl through 'Ballora Gallery' as fast as you can to reach the 'Breaker Room'. If you follow his instructions... will die.
Ballora will not return to her stage anymore. She will catch you.
The power will be restored shortly. When you crawl through 'Ballora Gallery', go slowly. She cannot see you and can only listen for your movement.
When you hear her music become louder, she is growing near.
Listening for you...
Wait. And be still.
HandUnit then becomes online
Thank you for your patience. It seems that the power system cannot be restarted automatically. You will need to restart the power system manually. Please return to the 'Primary Control Module'.
The player then leaves the space and enters through the vent shaft.
[Computer Voice]
Motion Trigger, Circus Gallery Vent
Enters the 'Primary Control Module'
You will now be required to crawl through the 'Ballora Gallery' using the vent to your left to reach the breaker room.
It is recommended that you stay low to the ground and reach the other side as fast as possible as to not disturb Ballora.
I will deactivate myself momentarily as to not create an auditory disturbance.
HandUnit is now deactivated
Entering 'Ballora Gallery'. The player is then to crawl slowly to the Breaker Room to not get caught by Ballora
And suddenly
(*in a loud, echoey way) It seems that you are taking a long time.
Please proceed as quickly and as quietly as possible.
The player then proceeds to enter the 'Breaker Room'
[Computer Voice]
Motion Trigger, Breaker Room
You may now interface with the breaker control box.
Using the interface may disrupt nearby nearby electronics.
If you feel you are in danger, feel free to disconnect the interface temporarily until it is safe to reconnect.
The player must then restore the power whilst avoiding being attacked by Funtime Freddy. The only way to calm him down is to use 'Mascot Responses' (which is Bon-Bon's voice telling Funtime Freddy to calm down and assuring him that there is nothing in the 'Breaker Room')
These dialogues include:
Calm down, and go back to sleep. No one is here.
Shhh, go back to your stage. Everything is ok.
Everything is ok, let's go back to sleep.
Oh calm down, I think it was just a mouse.
Nope, no one is here.
Shhh, it's bedtime. Let's go back to our stage.
You must be hearing things, silly. *giggles*
During this, Funtime Freddy also speaks during this part
These dialogues include:
[Funtime Freddy]
Bon-Bon, say hi to our friends!
I-I know you're over there so-o-omewhere~!
*laughing* I know you're over there somewhere.
I see you over there in the dark! Co-come on out!
Hey, Bon-Bon, I think-ink that's the birthday boy over there-ere. We should go give him a surprise!
*laughing* Well, hello again!
After bringing back the power
Great job. This completes your tasks for the night.
Please proceed back through the 'Ballora Gallery' with care, and we'll see you back here tomorrow.
The player then exits and crawls their way back until Ballora hears them
Is someone there?
I can hear someone creeping through my room.
Perhaps... not.SHIFT COMPLETEEnjoy some time at home!