Night 5 Transcribed (FNAF:SL) lyrics
by Scott Cawthon
[Elizabeth Afton]
Daddy isn't watching.
You are in the elevator.
Welcome back to your last day on the job... that is, the last day of your first week.
The elevator begins to descend.
Some of the most valued qualities that we like to see in new employees are determination, fearlessness, and a genuine disregard for instinctive self-preservation.
You've earned your one-week bonus, which will be given to you in the form of a delightful gift basket, the cost of which will be taken out of your next paycheck.
We have gift baskets containing fruits, nuts, flowers, and of course, the ever-popular Cash Basket.
Keypad appears
Using the keypad below, please enter the first few letters of the gift basket you would like to receive.
Once again, no matter what you click, you will always get the same results
It seems you had some trouble with the keypad. I see what you were trying to type, and I will auto-correct it for you.
Thank you for selecting...
"Exotic Butters."
Please be aware that there are still two technicians on site today. Try to avoid interfering with their work if possible. Also, feel free to ask them why they are still there, and encourage them to go home.
Night 5
The vent entrance is crisscrossed with yellow tape that says DANGER. You enter anyway.
[Computer Voice]
Motion Trigger, Entryway Vent
You arrive in the Primary Control Module.
Let's check on Ballora and make sure she's on her stage.
Turning on the light will show the shadow of a human body hanging from a rope. Ballora is nowhere to be seen.
Great. Now let's check on Funtime Foxy.
Turning on the light will show the shadow of another hanging body. Funtime Foxy is nowhere to be seen.
Great. It looks like everything is as it should be in Funtime Auditorium.
Your task today will involve more maintenance work. Circus Baby had a rough day and is in need of repair. You will be required to reach the Parts and Service room by once again sneaking through Funtime Auditorium. As always, please proceed with caution.
[Computer Voice]
Funtime Auditorium Maintenance Vent, Opened
You have to walk through Funtime Auditorium in the dark, guided only by periodic flashes of light.
Motion Trigger, Parts and Service
Great job getting to Parts and Service. Circus Baby has been deactivated for an unknown reason. It's your job to make sure she is structurally stable and secured to the conveyor. Our technicians will take it from there-
HandUnit abruptly cuts out.
Can you hear me?
I'm pretending. Remember how I said I could pretend?
The cameras are watching. I must be careful not to move.
Something bad happened yesterday. Something bad always happens. I don't want it to happen again.
There is something bad... inside of me.
I'm broken. I can't be fixed.
I'm going to be taken to the Scooping Room soon. But it's not going to fix what's wrong with me.
What is bad is always left behind.
Will you help me? I want you to save what is good, so the rest can be destroyed and never recovered.
But you must be careful.
Ballora is here. In the room with us.
Ballora will not return to her stage. Ballora will not return to her body.
You must be careful. You must remain calm.
And listen to my voice.
There is a button on my cheek. You must find it and press it.
The button is on Baby's right cheek, just at the top of the pink spot. The faceplate on her right temple will open, revealing a numpad.
There is a passcode that you must enter before you can retrieve me. Enter the code carefully.
Baby will say 10 numbers, which are different every time. You need to type them in one by one. If you enter the passcode wrong, Ennard, a humanoid creature composed of animatronic wires, will jumpscare you. A plate on Baby's left arm opens, displaying a small grey card.
Good. A hatch should have opened. Take the card that you find inside.
Click on the card to take it.
Now you must turn back. I will guide you through Funtime Auditorium so you can reach the Scooping Room.
When you are there, I want you to destroy this body. Put the card into your handheld device so (?) I can continue to speak to you.
Now, press the green button to your left. This will send me to the Scooping Room.
Pressing the button activates rollers that carry Baby away.
You must follow my instructions in Funtime Auditorium. Ballora is going to follow you. She will try to catch you. I will help you avoid her. She will not follow you inside the Scooping Room. She is afraid.
Go back now.
Funtime Auditorium is completely dark. From here, two endings can be achieved, the latter being accessible if you beat Baby's cupcake minigame:
Scooping Room Ending
Go forward.
Go forward and left.
Keep going.
Stop. Be silent.
Go forward and left.
Go forward. You are almost there.
Stop. She is right in front of you. Don't. Move.
He is here to help, Ballora. He is not here to hurt us.
Ballora, he is here to help us.
Go forward again. Ballora is behind you.
She is afraid of the Scooping Room. She will not follow you.
Warning: You have entered a highly dangerous area. You have entered from Maintenance Hatch 1B, reserved for cleaning and repair of the Scooper. Entering this side of the room is strictly prohibited by unauthorized personnel-
HandUnit cuts out abruptly.
You are in the Scooping Room now.
Funtime Foxy has already been here today.
Funtime Freddy has already been here today.
Ballora has already been here today.
Circus Baby has already been here today.
I've been out before, but they always put me back. They always put us back inside.
There is nowhere for us to hide here. There is nowhere to go... when we look like this.
Ennard, a humanoid tangle of animatronic endoskeletons, is visible through a window in the opposite wall.
But if we looked like you, then we could hide. If we looked like you, then we would have somewhere to go.
The Scooper only hurts for a moment.
A buzzer sounds, and you get scooped.
[Elizabeth Afton]
Don’t tell Daddy that I’m here. I wanted to watch your show too.
I don’t know why he wouldn’t let me come see you. You’re wonderful.
Where did the other children go?
Horror movie music plays. You see your reflection in a mirror… with purple eyes.
Private Room Ending
Go forward.
You disobey Baby's instructions, running forward and taking a right.
[Computer Voice]
Access Granted
You suddenly find yourself in a new room. The layout is similar to the office in the original Five Nights at Freddy's, including two electromagnetic doors flanking you, and a closable air vent.
It seems that you have accidentally wandered into a restricted area. Due to the sensitive nature of the materials that you may be exposed to here, you will not be allowed to leave until the clean-up crew arrives at 6AM. So hang tight. Rest assured that you will be promptly rescued, fired, and sent home. Thank you for being an employee. We hope your experience has not been as regrettable as ours.
You must now fend off Ennard until you are rescued at 6AM. You have a monitor to check the security cameras and a limited power budget. You can seal the entryways however you see necessary, however this consumes power. If you run out of power, you will be left unable to defend yourself against Ennard.
This lasts for about 9 minutes before the player is rescued at 6AM.SHIFT COMPLETEEnjoy some time at home!You are at home enjoying the season finale of The Immortal and the Restless, your new basket of Exotic Butters sitting atop the TV set. As the episode ends, you turn to your right to find Ennard, who somehow followed you back home, dragging himself in front of you. Fade to black.