Five Nights at Freddy’s Ultimate Custom Night Voice Lines lyrics


Scott Cawthon

[William Afton AKA Scraptrap]
I always come back.

I could hear you... breathing.
Admit it: You wanted to let me in.
Why do you hide inside these walls?
Don't be shy.
These are strange circ*mstances that have brought us together.

[Circus Baby]
Looks like something bad happened.
I guess you forgot about me.
(In a different tone) I guess you forgot about me.
Want to see the scooping room?

[Dee Dee]
How unfortunate!
How unfortunate!
I'm gonna do a sneaky thing,
And throw a new contender in the ring!
(Sung slightly higher)
How unfortunate!
How unfortunate!
I know how much you like to fight,
So I'll add a new problem to your night!
Ya-ha-ha-harr! Never underestimate the cunning of a pirate! Or a fox, for that matter.
Arrgh! Ya never stood a chance!
Yarr! I've come fer ye booty! ...That be treasure, ya know.
I can't run like I used to, but I can pull myself apart just fine.
Arr! So much more spacious in here! I may stay awhile.

[Funtime Chica]
Don't get distracted!
I'm ready for my close up!
Say cheese!
Today is all about me, me, me!

[Funtime Foxy]
(Distorted as if spoken loudly into a poor mic)
It seems you couldn't make it to my show, so I brought the show to you!
Showtimes are on the hour. Not a moment before and not a moment after.
It's time to take your final bow!
I'm sorry, but there was never enough room on this stage for both of us!
A performance was demanded of me, and now I have delivered. Encore!

[Happy Frog]
I bet you weren't expecting me, were ya? Turn your back for one second and I'm like "Wha-shoom!" Ninja skills!
You and I don't get to talk as often as I like!
Everyone underestimates me, but then they turn their back and I'm like "Boo!" and they're like "Blehhhhrg"
Move over, Freddy Fazbear! Happy Frog is the new star of the show!
We've only just begun
I'll never let you leave
I'll never let you rest (*whispered* I'll never let you rest)
(Distorted and echoey)
Did things get really hot in here, or is it just me?
Come and burn with me!
The fire within me burns eternal, and now you shall as well!
I am a burning reminder of your misdeeds.
Greetings from the fire, and from the ones you should not have killed.

Don't be afraid. Soon you will look just like me... Beautiful!
Now I get to play take apart and put back together! You won't feel a thing...
I wanted to wait until just the right moment to drop in!
It's so much more fun hanging out in here with you.
He's here, and always watching, the one you shouldn't have killed.

(Young, feminine, child's voice)
Seeing you powerless is like music to me.
I don't hate you, but you need to stay out of my way.
I recognize you. But I am not afraid of you. Not anymore!
The others are under my protection.
The others are like animals, but I am very aware.

[Music Man]
*Cymbals crashing* You and I will be making music together for a *cymbals stop* long, long time!
*Cymbals crashing* You hear that? That's the sweet, sweet sound of your *cymbals stop* eternal silence!
*Cymbals crashing* Hey! Keep it down, would ya?
*Cymbals crashing* When I'm here, you play by my rules!
*Cymbals crashing* A song was requested of me, and *cymbals stop* now I sing it!
[Nedd Bear]
(Prominent southern accent)
Don't you hate getting killed by obscure secondary characters?
Stranger danger!
Hyuk-hyuk-hyuk! I was just waiting for you to drop your guard!
Whoops! That's gonna leave a mark.
(Deeper and more serious tone) This is how it feels, (quiet, childish, feminine voice repeating speaking along becomes more noticeable) and now you get to experience it over, and over, and over again... forever. I will never let you leave.

(Raspy, loud, growly)
You will not be spared. You will not be saved.
The shadow fears me.
I am your wickedness, made of flesh.
I'm here to claim what is left of you.
I will put you back... to relive your horror.

[Nightmare Balloon Boy]
(Distorted, raspy, harsh, and echoey)
Come closer... help me count my teeth.
(Laughs) You're not so big. Just a bite-sized morsel. (Hacking sound)
You knew I'd get you eventually.
There just isn't room here for the both of us. (Low laugh)
Flash that light all you want! It can't save you now.

[Nightmare Fredbear]
(Distorted, raspy, almost wheezy voice)
Let me put you back together, and then take you apart all over again.
Let's see how many times you can be pulled apart.
I assure you, I am very real.
This time, there is more than an illusion to fear.
We know who our friends are, and you are not one of them.

(Distorted, growly, very glitchy)
This is a nightmare that you won't wake from.
This time, death cannot save you.
The nightmare is just beginning.
Let's taste death again... and again... and again.
I am the fearful reflection of what you have created.

[Orville Elephant]
(Old man sounding voice)
What did you think of my act?
I don't get out much so you'll have to forgive my enthusiasm.
I hope you enjoyed the grand finale.
Now is my time to shine!
(Quieter and more personal sounding, echoed by a whispering feminine child's voice) He tried to release you. He tried to release us! But I'm not gonna let that happen. I will hold you here. I will keep you here! No matter how many times they burn us.

(Deep voice with a country accent)
I consider it a dignified death... not really, it was actually quite pathetic. *Enthusiastic banjo strumming*
If you sit by the river long enough, you will see the body of your enemy float by. (Laughs) *Enthusiastic banjo strumming*
Even monkeys fall from trees. *Enthusiastic banjo strumming*
The nail that sticks out gets hammered down. *Enthusiastic banjo strumming*
The talented hawk hides his claws. *Enthusiastic banjo strumming*

[Rockstar Bonnie]
(Mechanical, sung)
Why so blue?
You know I'll be true
And now, I'll make slivers out of you.
So good to see you again,
My truest friend,
But now, your life must end.
What a fine day
To come here and say
That your face and flesh
I must flay
What a treat
To come here and meet
Your face as it hits concrete.
I found my guitar,
Now reach for the stars
As I plunge it through your heart!

[Rockstar Chica]
(Strong country accent)
That's right! And don't you come back now, ya hear?!
That'll teach you fer tryin' to trick this ol' bird!
Thought you could fool me with that sign, but I was too smart for ya!
I may not like wet floors, but the smell of fresh meat is just too enticing! (Laughs)
Whoops! Looks like you're the one that slipped up this time!

[Rockstar Foxy]
Yarr! What can I do for ya?
Yarrg! How may I be of service to ya?
Yarr! Who touched me bird?
Yarr! Me bird likes ya, so I'll do ye a favor.
Yarr! Ya win some, ya lose some.
Yarr! Ye play with fire and sometimes ya get burned!

[Rockstar Freddy]
Please deposit five coins.
(Slightly different tone) Please deposit five coins!
(Deeper, slowed) Please deposit five coins.
(Glitchy, speeds up inconsistently) You are attempting to trick Freddy!
You are attempting to trick— (glitch)
(Deeper, distorted) Freddy doesn't like this!
(Normal) Thank you for depositing five coins!

[Scrap Baby]
Time for your controlled shock.
(Slightly different tone) Time for your controlled shock.
Let's see how many pieces I can cut you into.
You won't die, but you'll wish you could.

[Toy Chica]
You won't get tired of dying, will you?
Where's my beak? Lodged in your forehead, of course.
You won't get tired of my voice, will you? (Giggles)
Let's go somewhere more private... so I eat you.

[Toy Freddy]
That game was totally rigged!
That's what you get for leaving me hanging!
If I get jumpscared, you get jumpscared!
Mr. Hugs got me again!
It's not my fault! I have these fat, plastic fingers and can't press the buttons.

[No 1 Crate AKA Trash and the Gang]
Pssst, I have something to tell you.
Hey, hey! I want to tell you something.
Pssst. Hey, over here. Get closer.
Excuse me, can you come a little closer?
Hey, down here. Hello. I wanted to ask you something. It's something really important.

[Withered Bonnie]
(Mechanical, slightly glitchy)
Time to face the consequences of your failure.
Might as well face the facts, you were always destined to fail.
You blinked.
What is this new prison? Is it me trapped, or is it you? Perhaps, it's us both.
I may be missing my face, but even I could see you stalk.

[Withered Chica]
(Glitchy, extremely distorted)
I never thought I'd make it through that vent, but now we are together. *High pitched beep*
Let me show you how to break your face and look like me. *High pitched beep*
Come closer, let us smile together.
I was the first. I have seen everything. I have seen him, the one you shouldn't have killed.

[Nightmare Freddy]
(Mechanical, deep, growly)
I am remade, but not by you, by the one you should not have killed.
No light can save you now.
I have always been hiding in your shadow.
What a gift to relish, a victim that can't perish.
I am given flesh, to be your tormentor.

(Whispered, feminine child's voice)
Shhh. it will all be over soon.
Shhh. there is room for one more.
Shhh. Come spend eternity inside, with me.
Shhh. I've been looking for you. And now, I will never let you go.
Shhh. I am so glad that I found you. Let me make room for you.

(Incredibly low-pitched and heavily distorted)
Be sure to come back soon!
There's more fantasy and fun where I came from.
Let's find a suit that's right for you.

[Mr. Hippo]
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