Ric Flair Promo (WCW Monday Nitro, 2/7/2000) lyrics
by Scott Steiner
STEINER: As you can see, when Big Poppa Pump comes to town, all my hoochies come around. But it's just a damn shame we had to leave LA and come to this cesspool called Tulsa.
But last night, when I was kicking it in the bootyo, proving I was the daddy, that I was the king of the night heh-heh...but I'm not one to brag. Midajah, Kim, why don't you tell them what is was like to be with the purple warrior?
MIDAJAH: Big Poppa Pump, you're not just any man between the sheets, honey. Kim, why don't you tell him what he's really like.
KIM: Oh that's right, Big Poppa Pump's not any--just---he's our... Superman!
STEINER: You're damn straight. So this goes to all my freaks out there: Big Poppa Pump is your hookup. Holla if ya hear me!
Now last week, I was watching TV, and I watched a 53 year-old man come out here who has more loose skin than a shar pei puppy, come out here and say he's still the man.
I seen Ric Flair, number two, the nature boy, come out here, who's been the butt-end of all the jokes, because he's supposed to be the limousine-riding, jet-flying, son of a gun, but I'm sayin' one time, you shoulda took a cab, and used that money to fix your s-crooked, yellow teeth!
So I had to ask myself, if WCW was gonna hire the Nature Boy Number Two, why wouldn't they hire the Nature Boy, the original Nature Boy, Buddy Rodgers? Now I know that Buddy Rodgers is dead, god rest his soul, but Ric Flair, your career is dead!
And I know as he lays six feet under, he's still stylin' and profilin', 'cos when you used your little brain, and stole his name, there's one thing that you couldn't steal, and that was his class.
So when you walked down that aisle last week, I know I wasn't alone, 'cos the people at home, all they did, was grab the remote, and change the channel to the WWF, and watch Stone Cold, a person you and your old friends got fired from here, 'cos you're a jealous, old bast*rd!
So Ric Flair, remember this, in this wrestling business, there's never been a bigger ass-kissin', butt-suckin' bast*rd, in this business, but also in life, you're the biggest ass-kissin', back-stabbin', butt-suckin' bast*rd, and you belong where you're at, in WCW, because WCW sucks, and so do you. Me? I'm just gonna stay right here, in the nWo 4 life.