Scooting Around lyrics
by Mother Goose Club
We use our feet to push push push
And zoom along with a whoosh whoosh whoosh
We use our hands to steer steer steer
And listen close with our ears ears ears
Scooting scooting, scooting around
Scooting scooting, scooting around
Look at all the fun we have found
Scoot scoot scoot, scooting around
Scoot scoot scoot!
We cross the street real slow slow slow
The coast is clear, let’s go go go
We scoot on the gravel, shake shake shake
Look out for the people, brake brake brake
Scooting scooting, scooting around
Scooting scooting, scooting around
Look at all the fun we have found
Scoot scoot scoot, scooting around
Scoot scoot scoot!
A stick in the sidewalk, jump jump jump
A hole in the pavement, bump bump bump
A bend in the road, curve curve curve
Watch out for that toad, swerve swerve swerve
Scooting scooting, scooting around
Scooting scooting, scooting around
Look at all the fun we have found
Scoot scoot scoot, scooting around
Our legs are getting tired. Let’s rest rest rest
Let’s start back up. Scooters are the best!
Scooting scooting, scooting around
Scooting scooting, scooting around
Look at all the fun we have found
Scoot scoot scoot, scooting around
Scooting scooting, scooting around
Scooting scooting, scooting around
Look at all the fun we have found
Scoot scoot scoot, scooting around
Scoot scoot scoot, scooting around