In Christ Alone / Cornerstone / The Solid Rock lyrics
by Caleb and Kelsey
In Christ alone my hope is found
He is my light, my strength, my song
This Cornerstone, this solid ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
What heights of love, what depths of peace
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
My Comforter, my All in All
Here in the love of Christ I stand
Christ alone; Cornerstone
Weak made strong; in the Saviour's love
Through the storm, He is Lord
Lord of all
When darkness seems to hide His face
I rest on His unchanging grace
In every high and stormy gale
My anchor holds within the veil
My anchor holds within the veil
Christ alone; Cornerstone
Weak made strong; in the Saviour's love
Through the storm, He is Lord
Lord of all