[Congressman Hammersley (playing with his dog)]
Come on. Come on, mutt. Look at that ball. All right. Come on. Get that ball. Baah!
[NSA official Reynolds / John Voight (on the phone)]
There's no problem with that.
Oh, goddamn it.
[NSA (on the phone)]
If it happens, let me know.
What the hell are you doing here? This is not the office! This is my private time.
Five minutes.
No! I said no Tuesday, I said no last week, and I'm gonna keep sayin' no 'till you hear me.
Five minutes, Mr. Chairman. It's all I ask. Five minutes.
[Dog Barking]
You want some coffee?
No, I don't want any coffee. I want to play with my dog.
Look, I'm not asking you to vote for it. I know you can't. Just release your people. Let them go the way they want.
Telecommunications Security and Privacy Act! Invasion of privacy is more like it. You read the Post? "This bill is not the first step towards the surveillance society. It is the surveillance society. "
Liberal hysteria.
Listen, I'm not gonna sit in Congress and pass a law that lets the government point a camera and a microphone at anything they damn well please.
Phil. Look, I don't care who bangs who, what cabinet officers get stoned. But this is the richest, most powerful nation on earth, and therefore the most hated. And you and I know what the average citizen does not: That we are at war, hours of every day.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Do I have to itemize the number of American lives we've saved in the past, months alone with judicious use of surveillance intelligence?
Thomas, cut the crap. I've got three major employers in the Syracuse area alone who are gonna get just killed by this bill.
I promise to get you funds equal to or greater than whatever those companies gave your last campaign.
I'm not talking about campaign contributions, damn it. I'm talking about my constituents being out of work. Jesus, man! Wake up! National security isn't the only thing going on in this country. God. This conversation is over.
I beg of you, Phil. Please don't. I've been there for you in the past, haven't I? There have been times, personal situations, when you needed my assistance and my confidence.
Are you blackmailing me, you ambitious sh*t?
I'm sorry we can't find a common ground on this one, Congressman. You're a good man. People of your district are lucky to have you representing them.
(Congressman Hammersley leaves and gets killed before reaching his car)