Doctor Quantum lyrics
by David Lynch
Never expected to see footage like that
And least of all did i expect to see it on film that had been exposed by the government in a NASA mission
The shuttle Columbia on this mission was equipped with a very sophisticated and expensive ultraviolet camera
And when they were up at 300 miles above the atmosphere
They launched from Columbia a small satellite with a tether
Not long after the tether broke
**radio static**
And you see on this astonishing film you see the satellites go drifting far astern of this orbiting Columbia
The tether which is 12 miles long straightens out into a long white line which you can see as plainly as can be
David Icke:
People look through their eyes and they think this is the world but it isn't its a tiny tiny frequency range within an infinite energy field
And basically its like a holographic television channel
David Lynch:
There's an ocean of pure vibrant consciousness inside each one of us
Its right at the source and base of mind
And the source of thought
And its also the source of all matter
Greg Braden:
It is the act of consciousness that actually creates the building blocks the universe is made of
I can't imagine a universe that exists without us because its the act of us observing the world around us that is creating allowing us to create as we go in a participatory universe
We may never find the edge of our universe as were looking to define what this universe looks like
We may never find the smallest particle in the quantum world to see what this stuff is that were made of and the reason is every where we look everywhere that consciousness explores with the expectation that something will be there
That exploration - act of looking - observations is the act that creates something for us to see
We are actually building this universe as we go
Building this universe as we go