The Boy Savior (Script) lyrics


Hailee Steinfeld


Cut to black. Green spray paint appears in the shape of an hourglass. "Misfit Toys" by Pusha T begins playing. A stylized montage plays of Ekko and the firelights.


Cut to Caitlyn and Vi. Both are restrained in a dark room and have hoods covering their heads. Caitlyn struggles against the restraints while Vi remains still.

CAITLYN: I knew it was a mistake trusting you.

VI: You've been a real picnic yourself.

CAITLYN: I'm not the one who walked us into, not one, but two of Silco's traps.

VI: This isn't Silco, it's someone else.

As they continue talking, the shot cuts back and forth between first person perspectives of each of thе duo, showing only the inside of the hoods on thеir heads and minimal light peeking through.

CAITLYN: How do you know?

VI: 'Cause we'd already be dead.

CAITLYN: Oh, very nice. When were you planning to tell me that your lunatic sister works for him?

VI: Just as soon as you came clean about what the hell you're really doing down here!
CAITLYN: I told you the truth!

VI: Bullsh*t. What was that glowing stone?

Caitlyn sighs.

VI: That's what I thought.

The door creaks open. A figure enters.

CAITLYN: What's going on?

VI: Hey, stop! Get your hands off of me!

CAITLYN: Leave her alone!

VI: Let me go!


The door closes.


Cut back to a shot of the room. Vi is no longer there.

Cut back to Vi's perspective. Her hood is removed. She looks up at the person who carried her, Scar. He walks away. She notices the leader of the firelights masked and seated nearby. Scar nudges him. They nod at each other and Scar leaves.

VI: You shy? Or just ugly?

The Firelight leader gets up and walks closer to her. Cut to a reverse shot as he takes his mask off. As the camera pans up his body, Vi looks surprised. Cut to a close-up of his face, revealing he is Ekko.

EKKO: You look good for a dead girl.



Cut to the Firelight's lair. Vi is restrained.

VI: Ekko?

He doesn't respond for a moment, scowling at her.

EKKO: What do you know about this?

He reveals the refined hexcrystal.

VI: Nothing. What the hell is this all about?
EKKO: What were you doing with Jinx?

She stands up, her hands still behind her back.

VI: Her name is Powder. And I just found her when you and your goons showed up. It's me. Vi. Same person who used to take you down to the junk heap and hose you down when you got covered in grease.

EKKO: That was a long time ago. People change.

VI: Yeah. I'm getting that.

EKKO: Are you working for Silco?

VI: f*ck you.

EKKO: I thought you were dead. Now you show up with a Piltie and give her a tour of the Lanes?

VI: You were following us. Why didn't you say something?

EKKO: I didn't know if I could trust you.

VI: So… so you just come out swinging?

EKKO: Gee, I wonder who I learned that from?

VI: Ah, well, you shoulda learned more. You still punch like a little boy.

EKKO: And you still block with your face.

VI: I remember when you wouldn't stand up to me.

She shrugs out of her restraints and gives him a hug.

VI: I missed you, little man.

EKKO: How long have you had those off?

VI: How long have you been whining?

He returns her hug. A tear rolls down his face.


Cut to a shot through a microscope of some hexcore residue.

SINGED: Hmm. Fascinating.

He looks at some of Viktor's notes.

SINGED: I would very much like to see the device.

Cut to a close-up of his face. Viktor stands blurred in the background.

SINGED: This, uh, Hexcore.

Cut to Viktor.

VIKTOR: That may be difficult to arrange.

He coughs.

VIKTOR: I've tried every combination of runes, but it's always the same. The subject, wither and rot.

The shot pans up Rio in her containment.

SINGED: Perhaps the error resides not with your calculations but with your subjects. Nature has made us intolerant to change, but fortunately, we have the capacity to change our nature.

He holds up a vial of purple liquid.

VIKTOR: And this is Shimmer?

SINGED: A variant. It should provide everything one needs to survive a violent transition.

He gets up and walks over to Viktor.

VIKTOR: Will it work on plants?

SINGED: You aren't here about the plants, are you? I know the look of a doomed man. I must warn you. If you take this path, they will despise you. Love and legacy are the sacrifices we make for progress. It's why I parted ways with Heimerdinger.

He holds the vial out to Viktor.

VIKTOR: Jayce will understand.

Viktor takes the vial.

SINGED: Perhaps.


Cut through several shots of Jayce as he works at his forge. He grunts as he works the machinery. A bolt falls off the forge. Cut to a shot of Mel's feet as the bolt comes to a stop in front of her. Cut to her face.

MEL: Hammer work is such a delicate art.

JAYCE: How'd you find me?

MEL: You're the de facto head of the Council. People notice where you go.

JAYCE: Huh. Don't remind me.

MEL: This border shutdown has people agitated.

She glances at his workstation and notices a grenade.

JAYCE: They should be.

Jayce picks up the grenade.

JAYCE: Marcus brought this to me. It's an explosive. I tried taking it apart and it nearly killed me. Whoever built it knows exactly what they're doing. This and Shimmer. It's hard to believe what they're capable of.

He puts it back on the table and sighs.

MEL: Is that what's really bothering you?

JAYCE: He was my mentor, Mel. And I betrayed him.

MEL: Everything you said about him was true.

She embraces him from behind.

MEL: My family cast me out and yet, part of me still loves them. Heimerdinger will understand eventually. It's your time now, Jayce. No more red tape. You can bring Hextech to the masses, just like you've always dreamed.

JAYCE: Hmm. First, I have to save Viktor.

MEL: Where is he?

JAYCE: I don't know.

Cut to a shot of the fire in the forge.

JAYCE: He disappeared. He does that sometimes.

Cut to a close-up of Jayce.

JAYCE: No sign of Caitlyn either.

MEL: The Kiramman girl?

JAYCE: It's just… Uh, never mind.

She holds his face.

MEL: Hey. We'll get through this. I'll stall the Council but they'll soon need their leader. In the meantime…

She leans in closer. He leans in but she pulls back.

MEL: Try not to lose your nuts.


She leaves. He gets back to work. Cut to a wide-shot of the forge.

SEVIKA: All our business is down.


Cut to Sevika as she picks up a drink.

SEVIKA: Enforcers are searching anyone who crosses the bridge.

Cut to an aerial shot of the room as Silco approaches his desk.

SILCO: Marcus is following my orders. Preventing Vi and Caitlyn from returning.

SEVIKA: Or he's finally flipped.

Silco lights a cigar.


SEVIKA: The chembarons scheduled an assembly.

SILCO: Oh. I've had enough headaches.

SEVIKA: It didn't sound like a request.

Silco puts his cigar out and begins to leave.

SEVIKA: Where are you going?

SILCO: I need to find Jinx.


Silco stops. Sevika gets up.

SILCO: What?

SEVIKA: I got more in common with cave lice than Jinx. But let's just say I didn't always see eye-to-eye with my old man.


SEVIKA: She'll come to you when she's ready.



A bug crawls on the floor, inspecting some splatters of blood. Jinx grunts off-screen. The bug flies to her workstation. She throws her gun on the table, angrily. Voices echo in her head.

MYLO: (Echoing) You lost her.

JINX: I didn't lose her! They took her.

MYLO: (Echoing) She cares about that enforcer, you saw it.

Jinx looks at herself in the mirror and grabs her head in her hands.

JINX: She was there for me! Not the enforcer.

MYLO: (Echoing) Remember her name?

JINX: Why would I remember her name? Well, she's just some stupid topsider!

She cries out as she puts stitches in her leg wound.

JINX: Caitlyn.

She laughs and leans back in her chair. The bug floats around above her. She mimes shooting it.

JINX: Pew.


Cut to Vi's perspective as Ekko leads her into the main courtyard of the Firelights' base. Cut to her face as she squints in the bright light. Cut to a wide shot of a large tree in the courtyard.

VI: Is that a real tree?

EKKO: Pretty cool, huh? When I first saw it, I knew this was the place. If a single seed could make it down here, so could we.

The duo comes to the edge of a balcony overlooking the courtyard.

VI: You built all this?

EKKO: Not alone.

After Vander…

He pauses.

EKKO: …died, Silco flooded the lanes with Shimmer. He didn't care what it did to people. Everyone here was an addict or a victim.

Several children on the ground below gesture at them.


Scar plays with a baby and scowls up at Vi.

EKKO: They needed somewhere safe to start again.

VI: I should have been there. For you. For everyone.

EKKO: That's a good way to drive yourself crazy.

A firelight bug lands on the railing in front of them.

EKKO: If I just went with you that day, maybe none of this would have happened.

VI: Or maybe you'd be dead. Or… changed.

EKKO: Powder's gone, Vi. All that's left is Jinx and she belongs to Silco.

VI: You're wrong. She's still in there. I can reach her.

EKKO: You can't.

He sighs.

VI: I know my sister.

EKKO: I got one more thing to show you.

He leads her away. Cut to the base of the tree. A mural of dozens of figures is painted on the side of a pillar under the tree.

EKKO: This is everyone we've lost. The price of our freedom. Some of it was Enforcers. Most was Silco.

The shot pans up the mural as a Firelighs finishes adding a new face to the mural.

EKKO: Your sister works for him not because she has to, but because she wants to. I'm sorry, but that's who she is now.

Vi looks up at Powder's face in the mural.


Cut to a wide shot of the bridge between Piltover and Zaun. Red smoke billows and people shout. Cut to the bridge as enforcers hold back a large group of protesters.

MAN: Let us through!

ENFORCER: Come on!

Cut to Viktor sitting down on the bridge. Several enforcers run past him. He coughs. Shouting continues out of frame.

ENFORCER: We understand. Just stand down!

Cut to Jayce talking to Marcus nearby.

JAYCE: Thank you for alerting me, Sheriff.

MARCUS: Not a problem, Councilor.

Jayce walks over to Viktor.

VIKTOR: Jayce, what is this?

JAYCE: Do you have any idea how this looks? I order a blockade and my own partner violates it?

VIKTOR: You ordered this? Why?

JAYCE: There are people down there who seem hell-bent on destroying us. What were you doing?

VIKTOR: I was consulting a friend about our quandary. I told you, I knew someone.

JAYCE: Well, you didn't say they were from the undercity.

VIKTOR: What difference does that make?

JAYCE: What diff— They're dangerous!

VIKTOR: I'm from the undercity.

He gets up. Jayce tries to help him but Viktor shrugs his hand away.

JAYCE: You're right. I'm sorry. I've had a lot on my plate.

Viktor begins walking away.

JAYCE: Was your friend able to help?

VIKTOR: No. No, he said nature was resistant to this sort of tampering.

JAYCE: All right, we'll keep at it.

Nearby, an enforcer is knocked down. A figure throws a grenade over the blockade which sets fire to part of the bridge.

ENFORCER: Advance!

Several enforcers run to reinforce the blockade. Jayce looks at the blockade.


Cut to an establishing shot of an elevator moving up the side of a building. Cut to Silco and Sevika inside the elevator, then back outside as the elevator reaches the top. Cut inside to a reverse shot of Finn as he approaches a table where the other chembarons are seated.

FINN: First, this wild attack in the heart of Piltover. Now, the border's closing. We're bleeding money, and for what? His dreams of rebellion? He's losing control. If we stand together—

Finn stops talking as the door to the room opens. Silco and Sevika enter. Silco is holding a box.

SILCO: We aren't due for an assembly.

Sevika closes the door behind them. Finn stands at the head of the table opposite Silco.

FINN: We should be. Ever since your stunt topside, profits have been plummeting.

RENNI: He's right. Merchandise is frozen at the border. Topsiders are too afraid to cross.

FINN: We're all wondering, what's your plan to fix this?

Silco sets his box on the table.

SILCO: You're all wondering, are you?

FINN: Way I see it, we should cut a deal and give back the Gemstone.

A fan in the ceiling stops spinning.

FINN: Better to have some trade than none at all.

SILCO: The border issue is temporary. Jinx will deal with it.

FINN: Huh. Ha-ha-ha. Rumor is, your dog's off her leash. How you meant to bring Piltover to heel if you can't handle your own people, huh?

Silco doesn't respond. Sevika turns around to reveal she's wearing a gas mask. She drops a canister to the floor.

RENNI: What's that?

The chembarons begin coughing.

SILCO: Oh, you don't recognize it? Have you forgotten where we came from?

He takes gas masks out of the box and begins walking around the table.

SILCO: The mines they had us in? Air so thick it clogged your throat.

He drops masks in front of Renni and Smeech. Sevika tosses some to Margot and Chross.

SILCO: Stuck in your eyes. But I pulled you all up from the depths. Offered you a taste of topside. And fresh air.

He stands in front of Finn, who continues to cough.

SILCO: I gave you life. Purpose. But you've grown fat and complacent. Too much time in the sun.

Finn keeps his composure for a few moments but drops to the floor. His jacket falls off. He rolls over as he continues to cough.

SILCO: We came from a world where there was never enough to go around, Finn.

Silco kicks him onto his back.

SILCO: That is why we fight. Do you remember?

He leans over Finn. Finn reaches out.

FINN: (Choking) Sorry. Please. Please.

Silco deeply inhales in a gas mask before dropping it onto Finn, who hurriedly puts it on.

SILCO: Don't forget again.

The ceiling fan comes back on. Sevika opens the doors. Silco walks away from the table.

SILCO: Good meeting.


Cut to an establishing shot of the hexgate tower as it activates. Cut to Mel. She sighs. A wide shot shows her on a balcony overlooking the city as the sun goes down. Elora approaches her.

ELORA: I've had word from our friends overseas. This threat from the undercity is drawing attention. Piltover looks vulnerable.

MEL: It's too soon. Jayce isn't ready.

ELORA: There's one other thing. This arrived for you.

She holds out a letter. Mel takes it and stares at it for a few moments.


Cut to Caitlyn, still restrained in the Firelight base. A figure just offscreen walks into the room and undoes her restraints. Cut to her point of view as her hood is removed. She looks down at her hands. A young child in a Firelight mask kneels in front of her with a bowl.


She knocks the bowl out of the kid's hands. It clatters to the front of the room. She looks up to see Ekko sitting in the doorway.

CAITLYN: What have you done with Vi?

The kid gets up and leaves.

CAITLYN: Listen, let her go. I brought her here. It's me you want.

Vi enters the door frame from outside.

VI: My hero.

CAITLYN: You're… But I thought you… I thought they were hurting you!

EKKO: Vi tells me I can trust you. You get a pass back topside, that's it. Let's go.


Cut to Silco's point of view as he holds in his hands the device for injecting Shimmer into his eye. He sighs as he prepares to self-administer it. As he struggles to work up the nerve, Jinx comes around the back of his chair and grabs it from him.

JINX: Let me help you with that.

SILCO: Where have you been, Jinx?

She forcefully pushes him into the chair and sits in his lap.

JINX: Oh, you know. Here, there, chasing down dead ends. And guess what? They're not all dead.

SILCO: I can explain.

She pierces his cheek with the device.

JINX: Don't move, silly. I might hurt you.

SILCO: I didn't know. Marcus never told me she was in Stillwater.

She stabs his other cheek.

JINX: But you found out she came back. You lied.

She stabs him again.

SILCO: I wanted to protect you!

JINX: From what?

SILCO: She and the enforcer are back for the crystal. Not for you. Have you forgotten how she left you? Who found you? Who cared for you? Gave you a home? I am your family. Everyone else betrays us.

She shudders as she absorbs his words.

SILCO: I need you. Now more than ever. You have to complete the weapon.

After a moment, she administers the Shimmer to his eye. She rushes out of the room as he shudders.


Cut to Caitlyn with the Firelights' tree in the background. She looks around the courtyard.

CAITLYN: It's beautiful.

EKKO: If your people had your way, it'd be rubble and ash.

CAITLYN: It's a misunderstanding. They think you work for Silco.

EKKO: Your people hunt us like animals. Silco pays them to do it.

CAITLYN: That's not possible. You're wrong.

EKKO: Say that one more time.

VI: Ekko, she believes what she's saying, okay? She's not your enemy.

EKKO: Oh, yeah? Then what's this?

He pulls out the hex gemstone.

CAITLYN: You got it. You have to let me take that back.

She reaches out. Ekko pulls back.

VI: What is it?

CAITLYN: It's a gemstone. It was stolen during the attack. By your sister.

VI: You just forgot to mention that?

CAITLYN: With this, someone with the right knowledge could build any Hextech device. If enforcers are becoming more… aggressive, that's why.

EKKO: We could beat Silco with this.

CAITLYN: That won't solve things.

EKKO: Easy for you to say. Your people aren't dying all around you.

CAITLYN: Ekko, it's wrong what's been done to you. You'd be well within your rights to keep it. I couldn't blame you. But if you do, this cycle of violence will never stop. This is our best shot at setting the record straight. This city needs healing. More than I ever realized. Please, let me help you.

EKKO: You got a plan?

CAITLYN: I have a friend on the council. Let me take the Gemstone to him. He'll listen to me. Your people wouldn't have to hide anymore.

EKKO: One condition. I'm the one who gives it to them.


Cut to Viktor's point of view as he examines Jinx's grenade.

VIKTOR: Um, the form is crude, but… uh, the engineering is… inspired.

Cut to a medium shot of Viktor with Mel and Jayce flanking him.

JAYCE: You think they could crack Hextech?

VIKTOR: Mm. It's a leap.

MEL: It's been suggested that they may have found a way to utilize the gemstone. If we are to assume the worst, that would mean they've turned it into a weapon.

JAYCE: Well, do we know this for certain?

MEL: We can't afford to wait to find out.

VIKTOR: Wait. What are you suggesting?

MEL: We should prepare our own countermeasures.

JAYCE: You want us to build weapons?

VIKTOR: Absolutely not. That is not why we invented Hextech.

JAYCE: We would shatter any attempt at peace. Heimerdinger would never go for this—

MEL: Heimerdingers' inaction is what brought us here. You said so yourself. The peace is already broken, Jayce. I'm only asking you to prepare to defend your people. If we're lucky, we'll never need to use it.

He doesn't respond.

MEL: The decision is yours.

She leaves.

VIKTOR: Ridiculous. You cannot be considering this.

JAYCE: What if she's right? Are we just gonna stand by while they attack us?

VIKTOR: We're scientists, not soldiers.

JAYCE: We have the knowledge to defend ourselves.

Viktor returns to inspecting the grenade.

VIKTOR: We agreed Hextech was to improve lives, not to take them.

JAYCE: We may not have a choice.

Viktor accidentally activates a timer on the grenade. After a few moments of tension, he defuses it. Jayce sighs.

VIKTOR: There is always a choice.

JAYCE: I need to think.

Jayce leaves. A montage begins, cutting between several shots throughout the city. Scar opens the exit to the Firelights' lair. Ekko, Vi, and Caitlyn stand behind him. A cloaked Heimerdinger crosses a river in a small boat. Viktor takes Singed's Shimmer vial out from his cane. Ekko and Scar shake hands as the group leaves the Firelights' lair. Viktor carves runes into a leg brace. He looks at the hexcore glowing in his lab. Jayce reads a book at his family home, flipping to a page with an illustration of a mage. He flips again and finds a piece of paper tucked into the book. Heimerdinger continues crossing the river. A firelight bug spreads its wings in the sewers as the trio of Ekko, Vi, and Caitlyn make their way through. Dozens of firelights fly around them.

CAITLYN: What are they?

VI: We call them firelights. Never seen so many though.

The montage continues. Cut to a wide shot of the bridge between Piltover and Zaun. Jinx sits high up in the bridge. Viktor prepares to inject himself with shimmer. Jayce's mom finds him in his room. He gets up and hugs her.

JAYCE: I'm worried I have to do something I never thought I would.

Cut to the piece of paper he found. On it is an image he drew as a child of himself in a cape and wielding a large hammer. Cut back to the bridge. Heimerdinger takes a look back at Piltover. Cut to Viktor as he shudders and injects Shimmer into his leg. He cries out and the hexcore pulsates. He cuts into his hand with a knife and reaches out to the hexcore. The runes on his brace glow. He tries to pull back, but the hexcore pulls him in. He screams as hextech residue enters his veins.


The montage ends with the trio of Ekko, Vi, and Caitlyn exiting the sewers and coming out on top of the bridge between Piltover and the undercity. A street lamp flickers as they walk. Vi stops and the other two turn to look at her.


VI: I can't leave her again.

EKKO: You can't change her.

VI: I have to try.

EKKO: Don't get yourself killed.

He walks over and hugs her.

VI: No promises.

They let go. Caitlyn hugs Vi.

VI: It's been real, Cupcake. Thanks. For everything.

Cut to Jinx's point of view as she watches them below from higher up in the bridge. A vision of Mylo leers over her shoulder and laughs.

JINX: Shut up. It's just a goodbye hug. She wouldn't do that. Not again.

On the bridge below, Vi heads back over to the undercity while Ekko and Caitlyn continue forward. They reach the blockade. A floodlight shines on them and several enforcers appear, aiming at them with guns.


EKKO: What the hell is this?

Marcus emerges from the line of enforcers.

CAITLYN: Sir! I have proof.

She holds out her badge.

CAITLYN: Silco's behind everything.

Marcus lowers the gun of the enforcer closest to him and walks out to the duo.

MARCUS: Show me.

As he gets closer, Ekko looks at the enforcers.

EKKO: (Whispering) No.

Caitlyn nods at him.

EKKO: sh*t.

He reveals the hex gemstone. Cut back to Jinx's point of view. She zooms in on the gemstone. As Marcus comes to a stop, Ekko inhales and hides the gemstone. Marcus shoots him in the chest. Cut to the other end of the bridge. Vi hears the gunshot and suddenly turns around. Back at the blockade, the enforcers approach Caitlyn. Marcus points his gun in her face as he leans over to pick up the gemstone.

VI: Caitlyn!

Jinx watches Vi run over and gasps. The vision of Mylo grows larger and more menacing.

JINX: Liar.

Cut back to Marcus.

MARCUS: I told you to leave this alone.

Caitlyn pulls back. Vi sprints across the bridge. Hundreds of glowing bugs appear behind her. She slows and watches as they encircle the enforcers. One lands on an enforcer's hand, who lifts it up to his face. Marcus struggles to ignore them. One lands on the tip of his gun. As he inspects it, he realizes it's not a real bug, but a mechanical bug painted by Jinx. It explodes. Cut to a wide shot of the bridge as the rest explode over the course of several moments. Cut back in. The floodlight flickers, damaged. Ekko lays unconscious on the ground. The bullet is revealed to have been stopped by a piece of armor. Several dead enforcers lay spread out on the bridge. Marcus gasps for breath against the railing. Jinx emerges from fog, walking towards the scene. Caitlyn gets up. She cries out and feels a wound on her leg. Jinx walks towards a struggling enforcer and shoots them in the head. Vi turns around at the sound, but continues forward. Caitlyn looks up at Marcus.

MARCUS: Tell my… Tell my daughter I…

He dies. Caitlyn pants. Jinx continues to approach. Vi arrives and helps Caitlyn up. Jinx picks up the container with the gemstone inside. Vi sees her. Jinx hallucinates Caitlyn laughing at her. She opens fire. Vi pushes Caitlyn out of the way. Time slows down. Ekko appears on his hoverboard and knocks Jinx's gun out of her hands. He flies past her before rounding back. As Jinx tries to shoot him with her other gun, he grabs the hex gemstone container out of her hands. He falls off his board and skids to a halt in between her and the others. He tosses the container to Caitlyn.


Vi leads Caitlyn away. Vi and Jinx make eye contact as the duo leaves. Ekko comes between them. He and Jinx face off. She laughs.

JINX: Oh, look who it is. The boy savior.

He sighs, then smiles. He pulls out his watch and sways it rhythmically. Jinx chuckles. "Dynasties and Dystopia" by Denzel Curry, Gizzle, and Bren Joy begins to play. She begins to load her pistol.

JINX: Hah.

Ekko's stopwatch sways back and forth through the frame as Jinx gets ready to shoot in the background. After several swings, she appears as her younger self. As Ekko pulls his stopwatch up and starts it, he appears as his younger self as well. The scene becomes stylized as Ekko charges and Jinx prepares to fire. They flicker back and forth between their current and younger selves. Ekko dodges several bullets. Young Jinx hits Ekko in the chest with a paintball and laughs. He throws his stopwatch to the ground. The scene rewinds to Ekko starting his stopwatch. The animation returns to normal and the music stops. Jinx fires at him several times as he charges. He dodges and hits her several times, knocking her to the floor and the gun out of her hand. He punches her. She struggles. As he raises his fist again, he hesitates. They stare at each other for several moments. Jinx arms a grenade and lets it slip out of her hand. Cut to a wide shot of the bridge as it goes off. Cut to further down the bridge as Vi helps Caitlyn along, looking back when she hears the explosion. Cut to Jinx lying unconscious on the bridge. Ekko's stopwatch sits broken nearby. Fade to black.

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