Miles shines his light into darkness. This is SCARY. A LONG, BLUE TUBE, stamped ALCHEMAX, arcs into the DISTANCE, HUMMING. Miles’ spider-sense continues to direct him.
Another surge of SPIDER-SENSE hits Miles and we hear competing thoughts in his head.
MILES (V.O.): Slow down!/What am I doing? What am I doing?
Miles picks up the pace, jogs around the corner, where Miles TURNS, a BIG SURGE OF SPIDER-SENSE and multiple voices are heard together.
MILES: Look out./I don’t want to be a hero!/Look out.
MYSTERIOUS VOICE #1: You’re like me.
MYSTERIOUS VOICE #2: That’s all it is Miles. | MYSTERIOUS VOICE #3: You’re like me. |
WHAM!!!!! A SUBWAY CAR flies towards him from the next room and SMASHES AGAINST THE WALL BESIDE HIM!
MILES: Whoa!
A massive staging room containing Alchemax EQUIPMENT.
ZOOM IN ON: SPIDER-MAN. In mid-flight. Backwards. He wrecks against some painful looking equipment. ON MILES, TERRIFIED. What's happening?!
SPIDER-MAN: Norman, listen to me.
MILES (V.O.): Spider-Man?!
SPIDER-MAN: I cannot let you open a portal to another dimension! Brooklyn is not zoned for that!
PAN to reveal GREEN GOBLIN, a 25' beast with massive wings. He unfurls a big BIG BLUE TONGUE.
GREEN GOBLIN: It’s not up to me.
MILES (V.O.):: Is that Green Goblin!?
GREEN GOBLIN: Why won’t you quit?!
SPIDER-MAN: I don’t know I guess I like Brooklyn not being sucked into a black hole?
MILES: I think I’m gonna go...
SPIDER-MAN: Staten Island maybe, NOT Brooklyn!
As Miles turns to run, A GIANT BEAM CRASHES INTO THE ROOM. Miles FALLS ON TOP OF IT as it swings back out into the room where Goblin and Spider-Man are FIGHTING. Miles hangs onto the beam for dear life.
MILES: No, no!
Miles is tossed around the room as Goblin and Spider-Man battle.
Green Goblin throws CLUSTER BOMBS as Spider-man swings around them, and Miles avoids the explosion but now he's EXPOSED. This is WAY more real in person.
He runs down a MASSIVE HALLWAY, away from the battle. Miles catches himself before tumbling over the end of the hallway into a giant room.