Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse: Peter's Flashback lyrics


Hailee Steinfeld

PETER (V.O.): Alright, people, let’s do this one last time. My name is Peter B. Parker...

PAGES FLIP FAST: "Coming next month! A Spider-Man from
another world..."


QUICK FLASHES, similar but not identical to the ones we saw in the cold open. High-energy running, fighting, leaping...

PETER (V.O.): ...I was bitten by a radioactive spider. And for the last twenty-two years I thought I was the one and only "Spider-Man."

Peter on a gargoyle drinking coffee with the morning paper.

PETER: What a day...

PETER (V.O.): I’m pretty sure you know the rest.

INT./EXT. A rapid barrage of IMAGES from Spider-Man canon whiz by -- but with VARIATIONS and NEW SHOTS too. Instead of Uncle Ben on the bed, for instance, it’s AUNT MAY.

PETER (V.O.): You see, I saved the city, fell in love, I got married, saved the city some more, maybe too much, my marriage got testy, made some dicey money choices -- don’t invest in a Spider-themed restaurant...

We see a few FAST IMAGES of Spider-Man doing his thing but losing a step, swinging with coffee, etc.,standing in front of a shuttered TGISpideys, signing divorce papers, HOLDING HIS BACK, BAD INVESTMENTS, DOOR SLAMMING, GETTING HIT BY A DRONE.

PETER (V.O.): ...Then like fifteen years passed blah blah blah super boring, I broke my back, a drone flew into my face, I buried Aunt May, my wife and I split up. (then) But I handled it like a champion.

CUT TO Peter CRYING on the floor of the shower in his spidersuit.

PETER (V.O.): ‘Cause you know what? No matter how many times I get hit, I always get back up.

Peter’s slumped like a slug in bed, wearing his costume. His ALARM goes off -- he lifts up his mask and immediately pulls it back down. He refuses to shut off the alarm, so it keeps BLARING.

He watches TV. A nature show. Seahorses reflecting in his SAD SPIDER EYES.

PETER (V.O.): And I got a lot of time to reflect and work on myself. Did you know that seahorses that they mate for life? Could you imagine a seahorse seeing another seahorse and then making it work? (then) She wanted kids and it scared me.

Peter sits on the roof of a building looking at his phone, deciding whether or not to call MJ.

PETER (V.O.): I’m pretty sure I broke her heart. (beat) Flash forward, I’m in my apartment doing pushups, doing ab crunches, getting strong...

REVEAL PETER, with his costume half on, eating pizza.

PETER (V.O.): ...when this weird thing happened.

A TREMOR hits the room causing the same strange “color separation” we saw before. Peter’s whole body suddenly SHAKES AND VIBRATES as he LOOKS UP.

Where A PSYCHEDELIC PORTAL YAWNS OPEN, sucking him TOWARD IT -- his body FLIES UP, halftones more prominent.

PETER (V.O): ... And I gotta say, weird things happen to me a lot. But this was real weird.

Peter uses his limbs to fight but it's TOO STRONG... the portal CLOSES. The pizza slice drops on the floor.


Halftone Peter flies SCREAMING through an INSANE MULTIVERSE, trying to PULL HIS MASK ON...

...he is falling towards a STRANGE KALEIDOSCOPE OF SPIDER-MEN, just like we saw earlier, towards the BRIGHT CENTER...


Peter EXPLODES IN AN ENERGY BURST OUT OF THE COLLIDER (the pulse from earlier that spread through Brooklyn after Spider-Man and Green Goblin fell into the beam).

Peter TUMBLES and CAREENS through a BLUR OF CITY and NIGHT SKY as his MOLECULES SOLIDIFY, finally coming to rest in...


Peter slowly stands, stares open-mouthed at STRANGE BUILDINGS, BILLBOARDS and STORES with close-but-not-quite-right LOGOS.

PETER (V.O.): ...You see I was in New York, but... things were different.

Finally Peter looks at a ticker-tape LED sign in front of NNN (National News Network-- a cable station): "NEW YORK’S HERO, SPIDER-MAN, FOUND DEAD AT 26"

PETER (V.O.): Also I was dead. And blonde. I was kind of... perfect. It was like looking in a mirror.

We cut from RIPeter to this new Peter, LIFTING HIS MASK. One slick and new, one old and BEAT UP.

CUT TO Peter at Spider-Man’s funeral. MJ gives her eulogy.

MJ: My husband Peter Parker was an ordinary person. He always said it could have been anyone behind the mask.

PETER (V.O.): I have a feeling the thing that brought me here, was the thing that got him killed. You wanna know what happened next? (beat) Me too.

We see Miles' "venom strike" again.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #
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