This Ain’t Love lyrics
by Tucker Beathard
Instead of burnin' down a cigarette outback
I think i oughta stick around to talk this one out
Before you run up to your bedroom to call your best friend
I think it's about time we tried to find some common ground
Baby this ain't love we're makin'
Let's call it what it is
It's a high, it's a buzz that'll finally give up that sin..
I don't know what tripped the wire
What lit the match then fanned the fire
And burned to hell my turn the page
But i'll be okay
Yeah i'll get back to on a roll
And catch back up to lettin' go
Tomorrow won't kick my ass this way
I just missed you today
What drives a man at 4AM at some turnaround near birmingham
Playin' one lynyrd skynyrd tune
The whole way there and back by noon
Then do his best to lose himself in a half full handle on the shelf
And cap the night off in the yard
Yellin' up to where you are
Baby this ain't love we're makin'
Let's call it what it is
It's a high, it's a buzz that'll finally give up that sin
I don't know what tripped the wire
What lit the match then fanned the fire
And burned to hell my turn the page
But i'll be okay
Yeah i'll get back to on a roll
And catch back up to lettin' go
Tomorrow won't kick my ass this way
I just missed you today
Baby what we're both really makin'
Is both of us miss out
On everything in-store
We both deserve more than what we got right now
Baby this ain't love we're makin'
Let's call it what it is
It's a high, it's a buzz that'll finally give up that sin
I don't know what tripped the wire
What lit the match then fanned the fire
And burned to hell my turn the page
But i'll be okay
Yeah i'll get back to on a roll
And catch back up to lettin' go
Tomorrow won't kick my ass this way
I just missed you today
This ain't about you
This ain't about me
It's about us diggin' down deep
Pullin' up the truth
Let it catch a breath
Instead of burying it in make up sex
Baby this ain't love we're makin'
Let's call it what it is
It's a high, it's a buzz that'll finally give up that sin
I don't know what tripped the wire
What lit the match then fanned the fire
And burned to hell my turn the page
But i'll be okay
Yeah i'll get back to on a roll
And catch back up to lettin' go
Tomorrow won't kick my ass this way
I just missed you today