Let's all gather everything
That means anything to anyone
Let's start our own country today
Man and Women
Black and White
Straight and Gay
All kinds alike
Unless you like it here then you can stay
Everyone will work the land
We'll pick the food out with our hands
We won't kick people out of their homes
There will be no properties
No insurance or lawyer fees
Free hospitals and no college loans
The beer will have no calories
No broken hearts, no STDs
No church buildings to make you feel afraid
Where everyone can be themselves
Unless they wanna be somebody else
Then we will all help them be that way
No guns to keep the bad guys out
That's something we can live without
If we have love, we have no enemies
There will be no currency
No rich and poor and no envy
We share of our things, there is no greed
We will have no prisons there
Cause everyone who lives there cares
And everyone feels free to tell the truth
No commercials or billboard signs
No wars will need to be run
Cause in this world there will be no voting booths
And if they saw the way we lived
Then maybe they could learn to give
A little bit more than what they take
Then they will all ride bicycles
And maybe be much less [...]
And even learn to cut a guy a break
We'll never have to vote again
For a Democrat or Republican
But if you run you count on me, my friend
I'll share with you, you share with me
In our land that's truly free
We'll never have to go to war again
We'll welcome folks of every kind
Anyone with an open mind
We'll be one big happy family
Jew and Gentile, girls and boys
Will share our burdens, share our joys
We'll tolerate anything, except for cats