The Needle Drop reviews Nmesh “Dream Sequins®” (/mu/ AMA, 04-17-14) lyrics
by Nmesh
Okay, what's the what's what was the question you're gonna ask? Oh? Somebody asked has your opinion changed at all on vaporwave, on Macintosh Plus? Yeah, somebody was asking about vaporwave. No, my my opinion hasn't changed every once in a while when somebody tells me like “Hey, Anthony! This is really cool new vaporwave record, try it out!” I, you know sometimes, I do sometimes I don't I remember I just listened to the new I don't know how you pronounce it the n mesh album the mesh and Sure, which ever just n m e s h. He has a new record out and by far out of all the vaporwave I've listened to thus far, his is the is the most abstract and ambient driven and but still, it just like was not was not vibing with me, you know, there was one part where he was trying to think of what the f*ck happened. There was a part where in the middle of a song he started grabbing a loop from and also keep in mind part of the reason I checked this record out initially is because I'm sampled on the very last track, but anyway because somebody said “this guy sampled you, you gotta check it out”. So and I downloaded it, I never, I never like listened to it until just like a few a few weeks ago and you know I was listening to this one track and sort of in the middle of it, like what musical ideas had thus far had just completely stopped and then all of a sudden, he just started doing these repetitive slow -motion samples of a bit of audio from like a- I think it was like a commercial, like a television commercial like from when I was much younger and as he was doing it. I was just like, oh, I don't care You know, I we've been very nice to each other on Twitter and if that's the kind of art that he wants to make That's the kind of art that he wants to make and if it moves people if other people find it interesting You know they find it interesting But at least for me personally somebody who like lived through a lot of this through a lot of the nostalgia that vaporwave pulls from it's it's just so Un -un Unsurprising and uninteresting, you know, you know, there are some plunder phonics artists that I really think are amazing. And Daniel Lopatin is one of them. Um, am I, you know, am I particularly enamoured with Eccojams, you know, I think it's a cool idea, you know, but I'm but I'm far more enthralled by stuff like Replica, you know, as far as like plunderphonics records go, which I just kind of see vaporwave as being a subgenre of. You know, sure it definitely has a tone and it has a vibe and it has a style, it has a sound to it. And you know, I don't discount it for that. And I don't think, you know, and I'm definitely not one of those people that, you know, staunchly says, at least now anyway, like, this is a genre. I mean, it's, I think it's kind of proven through at least the pleasurable pieces that are out there right now that it is. But I still don't find, I still haven't found a record in the genre yet that I find particularly moving or like, you know, I'm just really like, wow, this is it, this is clicked.