The Moments I'm Missing (Commentary) lyrics
by Gemini
Hi, it's Nina here, and I'm gonna tell you a little bit about how "The Moments I'm Missing" was written. So, basically, I was at a really weird point in my life where I was in between record deals, and I wasn't really sure exactly what I wanted to do anymore, or who I was, etcetera, and all I knew is that I loved writing music still, so I kind of threw myself into being a songwriter. And I started getting a few cuts with country artists such as The Shires, pop artists such as Olivia Holt, and some DJs, and it just kind of started becoming this career for me which was really cool and I loved writing about other people's stories and other people's lives, but a part of me was still wanting to be the artist singing about their life. Um, so I went home one night to my little Niightwatch studio, which is in my room, which is basically where I've written and produced quite a lot of the album, and um, yeah, I start at about 10 o'clock at night and I go till about 2, um, when everyone around me is quiet and sleeping, and I don't have to answer e-mails or go on social media and I can just be creative in my own little bubble. I feel like the only person in the world at that point, which is amazing. And, um, yeah, I had these lyrics - "These are the moments I'm missing / These are the moments I'd never took in when / I was just standing there wishing / I could grow up and my life would be different" - in my head for about a month, and I loved the lyrics, and I wanted to kind of fit them into a song somehow.
And, basically, the same week that I wrote this, I found out that one of my songs had been put on hold for Rihanna, of which I was like "What the hell is happening to my life? She'll probably never sing it, but this is really cool, and I can die happy". Um, so I started a melody with like her in mind which sounds really crazy and deluded, but it kind of helped me write something that I thought was cool and that I liked. So I had this melody, and then I started fitting my own life story to it, with words from when I was about five, until like now, basically, and then using "The moments I'm missing" bit for the pre, and I didn't have a chorus, for a while, actually, but I stuck it on in the end.
And then I contacted my friend Goody Grace, who I'd met through gnash, who did "Hate You, I Love You", which you might've heard. And we had a writing day at Abbey Road, in the same room that the Beatles had written and recorded in, which was absolutely amazing. And I'd met Goody there, and I thought "He's really talented, I want to write with him". So we exchanged numbers, and then after I wrote this song, I was like, "I feel like the middle eight needs somebody else to kind of take it somewhere new for a bit, because there's a lot of information in the song". So, I sent it to Goody, and he was like, "I love this! I'm gonna write a verse".
He sent the verse basically that night, and I was like, "This is amazing! I love it!" and then the final sprinkles were from George O'Reilly, who's an upcoming producer, who I've been working with a lot and writing with, and he kind of just brought it up a gear and added a few bits here and there and shaped my vocals up a bit. So, yeah, that really brought it to the next level, and I never really thought it was going to be a single until I signed my new record deal with Cooking Vinyl, and they loved the song, and we all decided that we felt, y'know, this new album and this new campaign of mine is very much my passion project and it's very much, uh, and I'm very much an album's artist, I think with this new album, so I felt like this song really needed to come first, um, I needed to show who I was, and the personality throughout it, so here it is, and I hope you like it. Thanks for listening.