[4, "Lines you wouldn't hear in a superhero movie"]
Frankie Boyle: What's that Joker, you'll be back? Somehow I don't think you will be.
Frankie Boyle: I thought it was sad, you know, that they had that pop concert to commemorate Diana. I mean, she didn't have much to do with pop music, did she? They should've done something that celebrated what was really great about her life: By staging a gangbang in a minefield.
Dara O'Briain: Frankie Boyle!
Frankie Boyle: It'll be interesting to see if that makes it in, to be honest.
[2, "Unlikely letters to be read out on Points Of View"]
Frankie Boyle: Dear Points Of View, watching Queer Eye For The Straight Guy made me think that if I made gay friends they'd give me fashion tips. Actually, they f*cked me.
Dara O'Briain: In terms of travel, by the way... on the roads, what flaw has been exposed this week in speed cameras?
Russell Howard: It's really great if you change lanes between two average speed cameras then they can't detect you. The manufacturer said "You can do this, but we wouldn't recommend it." Which is like when you're at the swimming pool, "No bombing", "He's turned! Bomb!"
Hugh Dennis: If you drive like Richard Hammond, violent swerve, you're perfectly alright. You'll get away with it.
Frankie Boyle: That should be the anti-speeding advert. It should be footage of Richard Hammond trying to remember his own wedding day. "She was wearing black... or was it red? Am I married?"