Title I (Subtitle A) lyrics
by 111th Congress of the United States
TITLE IQUALITY, AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE FOR ALL AMERICANS[Subtitle A]Immediate Improvements in Health Care Coverage for All Americans
Sec. 1001. Amendments to the Public Health Service Act.
PART A--Individual and Group Market Reforms
subpart ii--improving coverage
Sec. 2711. No lifetime or annual limits.
Sec. 2712. Prohibition on rescissions.
Sec. 2713. Coverage of preventive health services.
Sec. 2714. Extension of dependent coverage.
Sec. 2715. Development and utilization of uniform explanation of coverage doc*ments and standardized definitions.
Sec. 2716. Prohibition of discrimination based on salary.
Sec. 2717. Ensuring the quality of care.
Sec. 2718. Bringing down the cost of health care coverage.
Sec. 2719. Appeals process.
Sec. 1002. Health insurance consumer information.
Sec. 1003. Ensuring that consumers get value for their dollars.
Sec. 1004. Effective dates.