An Inspector Calls - My GCSE Quotes lyrics
by J. B. Priestley
[BIRLING] the Titanic ... unsinkable, absolutely unsinkable
[BIRLING] my God! But - look here -
[BIRLING] probably a socialist or some sort of crank
[MRS BIRLING] when we want coffee
[MRS BIRLING] and please be quiet Sheila
[MRS BIRLING] just be quiet ... your father can decide what we ought to do
[SHEILA] I expect you've done things you're ashamed of too
[SHEILA] don't please - I know - I know
[SHEILA] I behaved badly too
[ERIC] as you were saying, Dad, a man has to look after himself
[ERIC] my God - I'm not likely to forget
[GERALD] all right. I knew her. Let's leave it at that.
[GERALD] it's bound to be unpleasant and disturbing
[GERALD] I've admitted it. and I'm sorry Sheila
[EDNA] yes, ma'am
[EDNA] its mr Croft
[INSPECTOR GOOLE] the girl's dead though
[INSPECTOR GOOLE] we often do on the young ones
[INSPECTOR GOOLE] we don't live alone. We are members of one body. We are responsible for each other.