Characters lyrics


J. B. Priestley

Inspector Goole:
The inspector introduces himself as Inspector Goole, a police officer who has come to investigate the background to a young woman's suicide.

1. The inspector interrupts the Birling family gathering
2. He establishes that they each did something cruel or unkind to the dead girl
3. He gradually takes control of the situation and, while being polite, refuses to acknowledge that any of the are superior to himself
4. He leaves them after making an impassioned speech abut social justice.

He is a man of 'massiveness, solidarity and purposefulness'. This shows the inspector is an imposing figure.
'One person and one line of inquiry at a time. Otherwise there's a muddle' This shows he whats to do things his way and likes to do things in an ordinary way. This alows J. B. Presly to bring the play as a 'chain of events'
'It's my duty to ask questions' He takes his responsibility seriously and shows the others haven't done so.
'He never seemed like an ordinary police inspector-' It could mean he was somehow extraordinary, more than human

Arthur Birling
Arthur Birling is a successful businessman, who has been active in local politics, he has been lord mayor of Brumly and s the father of Eric and Shelia.

1. Mr Birling hosts a dinner to celebrate Sheila's engagement to Gerald Croft
2. He declares that a man's responsibility is to only look after himself and his family.
3. Three years ago he fired Eva Smith from his factory
4. He tries to intimidate the inspector, but also tries to protect himself and his family
5. He becomes increasingly concerned about a possible scandal
6. He's the only one who takes the final phone call

'heavy-looking, rather portentous man' Mr Birling's size's helps to give him a threatening appearance
'a hard-headed practical man of businesses he thinks himself as a man who does well in business, and who doesn't let sentiment get in the way of whatever needs to be done success
'Yes, my dear, I know- I'm talking too much' He likes to air his views and is unaware that he tends to monopilise the conversation, suggesting he has a high opinion of his own importance.
'I'm a public man-' He expects respect as he has been a member of the town council, lord mayor and a magistrate

Sybil Birling
Mrs Birling is a prominent member of the Brumley women's charity organisation

1. Mrs Birling praises Gerald for his timing of presentation of the ring
2. She treats the inspector as an inferior
3. She is discussed when she leans that Daisy Renton was Gerald's mistress
4. She persuaded the charity not to help the pregnant girl
5. She blames the girl's death on the father of the child-who turns out to be her son
6. She clamins she was the only one not to give in to the inspector

'a rather cold woman' and 'her husband's social superior' Mrs Birling us not a friendly person and rarely shows affection.
'Please don't contradict me like that' She doesn't like, and doesn't expect people to disagree with her. She is used to be listend to and having her opinions accepted as right
'It's discussing to me'. Even though Gerald comes from a good family and meets with her approval as a future son-in-law, she cannot accept Gerald's offer.
'the most prominent member of the committee' she is one of the of the powerful and respected members of the group which runs the charity, and is able to influence the decisions it makes.

Sheila Birling
Sheila is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Birling and is also engaged with Gerald Croft

1. Sheila shows genuine emotion when she hears the young woman has died
2. She was responsible for making the girl loss her job at the dress shop
3. She realies the inspector is not someone who can be lied to
4. After hearing about his affair, she breaks off the engagement to Gerald.
5. She reveals that Eric drinks to much
6. She understands that the family's experience that night meant to make them improve the way they treat others
'Oh-how horrible! Was it an accident?' Shelia feels shock at the death of the young woman. She was naive to suggest that he girl could drink disinfectant 'by accident'
'I wouldn't miss it for the worlds' Although bitter about Gerald's relationship with Daisy Renton, her curiosity needs to be satisfied and she is strong enough to hear the whole story
'I had her turned out of a job' She is prepared to take responsibility for what she had done
'it's you two who are being childish-trying not to face the facts' Shelia clearly believes that it doesn't matter whether the inspector is a real police officer or not. Her parents are more worried about a scandal while Shelia is concerned that they all harmed someone.

Eric Birling
Eric is Shelia's brother. He is employed in his fathers business, drinks more than good for him and is the father of Daisy Renton's unborn child.

1. Eric drinks too much at the family dinner
2. He met the girl in the bar at the palace theatre and made her pregnant
3. He stole money from his father's firm to give to the girl
4. He accuses his mother of killing her own unborn grandchild
5. He accepts guilt

'Just keep quiet, Eric and don't get exited' Mr Birling recognises Eric has had to much to drink and might say something he shouldn't of
'That something this public-school-and varsity life you've had doesn't seem to teach you' Eric has been to an expencive school and then uni but Mr Birling feels he knows more of life than his son.
'Beside, you're not the type-you don't get drunk-' We know that Eric does get drunk, and that the opposite of what his mother says is true
'Your trouble is-you've been spoilt' Mr Birling thinks that being the boss's son Eric has an easy life

Gerald Croft
Gerald is the son of a wealthy industrialist and businesses rivals of Mr Birling, and he has just becoming engaged to Sheila.

1. Gerald gives Sheila an engagement ring during the dinner party
2. He agrees Mr Birling about the way businesses should be run
3. He rescued Daisy Renton from drunken Alderman Meggarty
4. He kept Daisy as a mistress for six months, them broke off their relationship
5. He found out that the police Sargent had never heard of an inspector Goole
6. He telephones the infirmary and learns that no girl had died that day
'easy, well-breed young man-about-town' Gerald gets on easily with people, is self-confident and assured, and looks as if he knows a lot about life
'That was clever of you Gerald' He has a scene of what to do and when to do it, and he clearly has the approval of Mrs Birling
'You're just the kind of son-in-law I always wanted' Mr Birling sees Gerald as being like himself- a determined man of businesses; he sees the engagement as bringing two family businesses together.
'I'm rather more-upset-by this businesses than I probably appear to be' Gerald has been hiding his feelings, like an English man is expected to. Deep down he is greatly saddend by the girls death and has a strong feeling of responsibly for what happenend

Eva Smith/Daisy Renton
These are the two names of the girl who suffered at the hands of the Birling family and Gerald was known

1. Mr Birling sacked her from his factory for leading a strike for better pay
2. She was sacked from a dress shop when Sheila unjustly complained about her
3. She became Gerald Croft's mistress
4. She was made pregnant by Eric Birling
5. She applied to a charity for help, but Mr Birling refused to help
6. She committed suicide by swallowing disinfectant.

'a livley good-looking girl-country bred' and a 'good worker too' Mr Birling had a good opinion of her. Being bred in the country made her naive, less worldly-wise than a city girl. As a good worker she was potential as a 'leading operator'
'She'd had a lot to say-far too much-so she had to go' She had spoken for others in the strike, showing leadership qualities against Mr Birling and he didn't like that
'She was very pretty and looked as if she could take care of herself' But Shelia judged the girl by her appearance and she didn't think about the difficulties the girl might face in getting another job
'Now she had to try something else' The words sound innocent, but the 'something else' was meeting men in a place used by prostitutes
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