An Inspector Calls 2 - Unofficial lyrics
by J. B. Priestley
The Birlings stood there quick in thought, Mr Birling frozen to the knees. Sheila, carefully placing her weak hand upon her chin, staring at the ground without much focus. Eric confused and baffled. The stage as before and the entirety of the Birling's in the cosy- looking yet unhomelike living room.
//The curtains open//
Mr Birling: Hmm
Gerald: (dryly) At least it's a real inspector.
Mrs Birling: Quite so, but at this time of night, I must say.
Sheila: (hopefully) Please cut the pretence, this is our chance for rеdemption, to make things right
Mr Birling: (angrily) Off you two go to be-
Shеila: (protesting) Why so you can quietly talk the new inspector in the corner?. No I will stay
Eric: (recovering) I have to agree.
Mrs Birling: (low voice) Let them stay Arthur, Just until this absurd business is finished.
Mr Birling: Ok yes, This is the time we use our heads, and don't blurt out rubbish, hopefully this new inspector ain't some sort of crank.
Eric pauses hesitantly looking a bit faint, steadies himself and falls to the couch.
Mrs Birling: (looking worried and facing him) Are you Al-right Eric
Sheila: (mockingly) Have you seen the amount he's been drinking, I'm still surprised his still concious.
Although, Sheila looks at him worryingly.
There is a loud knock at the door. The Billings turn their head, completely unprepared.
Edna: Should I get the door Mr Birling?
Mr Birling: (impatiently) Yes quickly.
Edna walks to the door and opens it. The older generation of Birlings and Gerald Croft take in a deep breath as one
Inspector: (Edna, who is now taking of his coat) Good Evening Madam.
Edna directs the inspector to the living room where careful faces were staring back at him.
Inspector: Hello Mr Birling, a quite shocking event has just been accounted at the infirmary, a pretty lively girl swallowed some disinfectant, burned her insides out of course.
Mr Birling: (hurriedly) Hmm tragic death, thanks for alerting us and please have a cup of port and decanter.
Inspector: No thank you, i'm on duty and I've recently heard word from an Inspector Goole, that you guys have done some undeniable unforgivable actions and that I should look out for a Sybil Birling, who refused to admit any partake of responsibility on her part.
Sybil Birling: (acting politely) Yes inpector that's me and he's not quite a real inspector, he's manner is very perculiar in the way he intorrogates, and surely we're much better off without his inconsiderable comments.
Inspector: Sorry since I beg to differ, I am normally a light man however when I hear at this late hour, that a young lady passes away due to upperclass citizens who are meant to be respectful to society, but instead treat the working class as simple trash then I start losing my temper.
Mr Birling: (firmly) I already said I would give thousands, and we haven't broken any law, you do see that inspector.
Inspector: (carefully) I have heard from this same Inspector, about crimes comitted to Daisy Renton, although she wasn't Eva Smith yet at the time, he still told me even as Ms Smith she wasn't treated morally or even as a decent human being, instead as cheap labour (to Mr Birling), and an animal (avoiding glancing at Eric).
Mrs Birling: (starting to lose patience athough trying not to show it) If you have the facts, Inspector, then why are you still here, surely you have more important tasks at hand then staying cooped up in this mess.
Sheila: (frightened) Mother, please stop he might be more lineant than the previous Inspe-..
Mr Birling: (angrily) He wasn't an Inspector, just some crank, bluffing us the whole time with a few pieces of information he gathere - ...
Inspector: Well to me he sure knew what he was doing, and he said that you each recognized the photograph, although you tried to deny it, he finally got the information out of you. I'm sent by the force - no explanation needed as i assume he told you he was from there too
Sheila: Yes he was right on all accounts - no use pretending (as Mr Birling seems to interrupt) - I sacked her and I accept my responsibility - although there may not be any reprucussions - I still feel teribble gulit although if I had a second chance would prove myself throughly.
Eric: (half asleep) me too.
Inspector: (smilling warmly) Oh yes, he told me about you too (at Sheila and Eric) - Escpecially you Sheila, you have remarkably changed and seem to take inititive - you don't seem to follow your parents and you independately have found a correct belief - As for you too (pointing at Mr Birling and Ms Birling) You have carried on the same way as he told me - you keep refusing to see your fault (now intensely looking at Sybill) as for you Mr Croft, you have done the least bad thing however you haven't seem to grap the concept of misusing a human being.
Sheila: (unafraid) So what's going to happen now?
Inspector: (carefully) The inspector seemed to know his facts and as Ms Birling has just said - he wasn't wrong. However he is an unathorized man pretending to be an inspector - But since Ms Birling has been saying he was correct at all points, then I see no need to carry in these inquiry any further. Hm in a way the man seems to to be impressive, as if he's not frightened of anything except the death of Miss Smith, I'm going to consider him a witness, as even though he commited fraud - he carried a spectacular investigation and seemed to bring out the truth out of all of you
Mr Birling: (confused) Sorry Inspector you haven't answered my daughter's question
Inspector: Well Mr Birling, I'm going to relay the information to the force and we will see what's going to happen then.
Knock Knock
Edna rushing to the door. Mr Birling raising a hand at her.
Mr Birling: Who's there
Inspector: The Inspector
Sybil Birling: The Inspector who?
Inspector: (coldly) Inspector Goole
// The curtain falls//
// The curtain opens//
Inspector Goole: (coldly) Please may I come in?
Mr Birling: (panic- stricken) Same inspector, why holy gosh
Mrs Birling: Yes and i'm ready to change my ways
Sheila: (excitedly) Yes mama, your finally getting it.
Inspector Goole is present just after Mr Birling opens the door
Inspector Rhuel: Ah Inspector Goole, very good to see you.
Mr Birling: Good afternoon, gentlemen, have a little whisky
Inspector Rhuel: (kindly) I prefer miranda
Mr Birling:(confused) What is miranda?
Inspector Rhuel: Miranda is just a drink that i want to drink
Inspector Goole: (calmly) Ok matters at hand, Mr Birling, I know from resources that you are a well established business man with a great company but awfully treated workers.
Mr Birling: (hastily) What am i doing wrong Inspector Goole
Inspector Goole: Absolutely nothing, except the way you treat workers like there ice cold robots, you have to be a bit kinder, no problem there no law broken but for next time in right judgment be a bit more considerate.
Mr Birling: Sure I will try - maybe - not too certain.